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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Formation of the marketing mix company

Реферат Formation of the marketing mix company

mathematical model of the task is:

Where П - profits that the firm receives from the sale of goods per year; fixed costs of firms in the manufacturing and marketing of products for the period; variable costs per unit of output.

F=5 400 UAN; V=35 UAN

Interrelation between P and N is set to a regression equation.

N=b0 + b1 * P

A firm can maximize profits by using derivative.

=(b0 - b1 * V) + 2b1 * P

So, we get:

Popt=(401,1451049- (- 1,901223776) * 35)/(- 2 * (- 1,901223776))=122,99 UANresulting optimal price is 122,99 UAN.calculate the value of the optimal level of sales at which we get the maximum profit value by the formula:

Nopt=b0 + b1 * Popt

Nopt=+401,1451049 + (- 1,901223776) * 122,99=167,31 units - 168 units;

The resulting the optimal number of products are 168 units.we need to calculate the value of the maximum profit on the basis of the above calculated values ??optimal for optimum sales volume and the known fixed and variable costs using the formula below:

max=122,99 * 168 - (5400 + 35 * 168)=9382,32 UAN.

As a result of the calculations we obtain the value of the maximum profit 9382,32 UAN. with the optimal price 122,99 UAN., and the optimal number of 168 units.find also unit costs for a given volume of sales:

S=V +=35 + (5400/168)=67,142 ~ 68 UAH.

The next step is creating a graph of cost of sales, which is shown in pict.4.3.

4.3. Graph of dependence cost from sales volume

effective decision making it is important to determine the price elasticity of demand. Price elasticity of demand determines the degree of sensitivity levels of demand, depending on the extent of changes in prices and is given by:


Elastic demand occurs when E gt; 1. In this case, 1,0101? 1. Demand for the company's products Medochok is flexible, ie percentage change in demand is? than percentage price changes. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand shows the percentage change in quantity demanded for a product by changing the price of this product in 1%. If you change the price of enterprise Medochok on 1% - quantity demanded will change to 1,0101%.

Chapter 5.Formation of optimal goods distribution channels

distribution - is one of aspects of business industrial enterprise. Sales are means of achieving the goals of the enterprise and the final stage of identifying tastes and preferences of consumers.

Production distribution is important for the company because of the following factors: sales volume determines such indicators, as the income, profit, profitability. Also production and sales depend on logistical support. Thus, in the process of marketing result is definitively determined by the enterprise, that aimed at enhancing the business activity and maximize profits .adapting marketing network and service before and after the purchase of goods to consumer demands, enterprise-producer increases its chances in the competition.

Length of distribution channel enterprise Medochok will be onel evel, that consists of one intermediary. This will appear retailer. The choice of one level channel is explained by the company is not profitable to attract other mediators through great expense to them, and the company saves money that can be used for different types of advertising.distribute our production, cooperating with such companies as: laquo ; Agroru raquo ;, Zlatomed TM and Peredova Pasika .task of retailer besides selling goods will also be collecting information, conducting market research and distributing of the results for saling and trading. That is, it will help the company to improve its production to meet consumers.

Participants distribution channels perform certain functions:

. Data collection, conduct market research and spread of the results to plan marketing and barter;

. Finding potential customers, establishing and maintaining relationships with them;

. Sales promotion;

. Conducting negotiations with customers on price levels;

. Selling goods to consumers;

. Transportation and storage of goods;

. Funding for distribution of goods;

. Assuming the risk.

For successful functioning of our business we need potential customers.So that to find them, establishing and maintaining relationships with them will deal brokers, who will be attracted by retailer.is important to adapt products to the requirements of cust...

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