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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Вивчення тими "Великобританія: Видатні міста та ОСОБИСТОСТІ" на уроках англійської мови

Реферат Вивчення тими "Великобританія: Видатні міста та ОСОБИСТОСТІ" на уроках англійської мови

ntence using the word, eg

Could you open the window, please?

If their sentence is correct, rub out "Could ...?"

and write Про in that square; if its wrong, Team У has only one guess to correct it. If this is right, they win the square and you write an X in it. Then it's Team B's turn, etc.

The first team to get a straight line of three X 3 or three O a in any direction wins the game.

II . основного ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ

Grammar Review 1. Повторення та актівізація граматичного матеріалу: Past Perfect Tense .

1) Discussing grammar. Узагальнююче Повторення граматічної тими.

(HO1): Example situation.

I went to a party last week. Tom went to the party too. Tom went home at

10.30. So, when I arrived at 11 o'clock, Tom wasn't there. p> When I arrived at the party, Tom wasn't there.

He had gone home.

This is the past perfect tense:

I/he/she (etc.) had (= I'd/he'd/she'd etc.) Gone

I/he/she (etc.) hadn't gone

Had you/he/she (etc.) gone?

and В§ 26 of Reference Grammar in your text book. p> a) Try to find out the answers to the following questions:

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before another past action?

Give examples for this rule, using the sentences of В§ 26.

Do we use Past Perfect for a past action which happened before a stated past time? Give examples for this rule using the sentences of В§ 26. Which time expressions are used with Past Perfect? в) Tell the rule of building of the Past Perfect Tense using the following scheme. p> Past Perfect had

-V (or Past Participle)

2) Language work. Виконання тренувальних вправо, а) Виконання додаткової Праворуч.

(H0 2 ):

Henry and His guests Henry invited some friends to his flat for a meal. Look at the things that he did and didn't do, before his guests arrived. Complete the phrases, using the Past Perfect. /Td>

0 He bought the food. 1 He cleaned the flat. 2 He didn't buy anything to drink. 3 He had a shower. 4 He changed his clothes. 5 He started preparing the meal. 6 He didn't finish preparing the meal.

By the time his guests arrived: 0 he had bought the food. 1 2 3 4 5 6

в) Finish the sentence in turn. Закінчіті речення. Example:

The last time I was pleased was because ...

The last time I was pleased was because I had received a present.

Ben could write the letter because ... She failed her exam because ... She was sad because ... His hands were dirty because ... He was wet because ... They were hungry because They were tired because ... He had a black eye because ...

Oral Practice 2. Складання діалогів з використаних речення в Past Perfect Tense.

Т: Last Monday you had an argument with you best friend. p> However, later you realized that the argument was all your fault. Make up a short dialogue explaining why you behaved in such a way.


You. I'm sorry we argued last Monday. p> But I was angry because I had had lots of problems that day.

Your friend: ______________________

You: _______________________________

Reading 3. пред'явлення тексту для читання "Autumn in England ", впр. 29 (стор. 32).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовкі до читання тексту. p> Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Read some lines from a poem of the English Poet and writer Rudyard Kipling "The Glory of the garden" (1911). p> Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made By singing "Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade! T: Say why England is so beautiful.

2) While-Reading Activities. Етап читання тексту та Виконання вправо во время читання.

Т: Read and find the English equivalents in the text. На качану осені сільська місцевість чудова. Напрікінці осені погода становится холодною. На ланах багатая корів и овець. p> Листя на деревах змінюють свой колір з зеленого на коричневий и червоний. Холодні вітри дмуть з моря. p> 3) Post-Reading Activities. Контроль розуміння тексту та Виконання післятекстовіх комунікатівніх вправо.

Т: Imagine you have just returned from a trip to England. Tell your friends about your impes...

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