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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Utilization of dairy industry wastes

Реферат Utilization of dairy industry wastes

ore, generally three different types of waste are distinguished:

(1): solid waste, which may cause problems with respect to dumping grounds;

(2): wastewater, which may decrease the quality of surface waters; and

(3): volatile compounds, which cause air pollution [5].

6.1 Several ways may be followed to reduce the occurrence of waste

(1): waste prevention;

(2): development of clean processing methods; and

(3): end of pipe treatment.most important one: the prevention of waste production. Through a careful examination of the production processes, one may identify the source (s) of pollution. The development of new and clean processing methods is the next step. In the present report this approach will not receive attention, because of the specific technical and economic know-how involved [14]. Third step is the treatment of the produced waste before it will be discharged into the environment. This is generally referred to as end-of-pipe treatment which will be discussed below. Because this treatment is usually very expensive, the amount of waste to be treated at the end-of-pipe should be as small as possible [2]. all by-products may be used in one way or another. The amounts of solid waste that need to be dumped can be kept small. With the exception of cooling water which in most cases is not polluted, wastewater can usually not be re-used. There are several methods of treating wastewater that can be applied before it is discharged into the sewer system or surface water. Polluted air can be filtered before discharge.KTPCP-project (Kasur Tannery Pollution Control Project) may serve as an example of why it is worth paying attention to environmental problems, which in this case had been caused mainly by the 160 tanneries of Kasur, Pakistan . Owing to insufficient attention to waste disposal from these tanneries, artificial and stagnant lakes had received environmental pollutants. This in turn led to major health problems, decreased crop yields (up to 50%) and to contaminated groundwater and fish [18]. For packing material etc. and sludge (in case of wastewater purification), dairies do not produce solid waste. The potential use as fertilizer of stabilized sludge from wastewater treatment plants of dairies has no environmental limitations, provided the sludge contains no toxic compounds [11].

6.2 Treatment of Dairy Waste Water

The average volume of waste water in dairies is currently 1.3 l/kg milk. This results in considerable waste water disposal costs. The centrifugal separation technology from GE...

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