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Реферат Frame analysis

of frame was introduced into linguistics by Charles Fillmore in the middle of the 1970s.are viewed as unified frameworks of knowledge, or coherent schematizations of experience; cognitive structures knowledge of which is presupposed for the concepts encoded by the words; cognitive models which represent knowledge and beliefs pertaining to specific and frequently recurring situations., a frame is an assemblage of the knowledge we have about a certain situation, eg, buying and selling.


1. Fillmore Ch.C. Frames and the Semantics of Understanding// Quaderni di Semantica. - 1985. - Vol VI. - P. 222-254

2. Minsky MA Framework for Representing Knowledge// The Psychology of Computer Vision/ed. P.H.Winston. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. - P. 211-277

. Talmy L. Force dynamics in language and cognition// Cognitive Science. - 1988. - Vol. 12. - P. 49-100

. Ungerer F., Schmid HJ An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. - Harlow: Longman, 1996

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