Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Visions of the future

Реферат Visions of the future

..... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?

. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.

. I «ve tried telling him that I don» t want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ..... the message.

. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.

. I don «t know what» s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.

. You should try to .......... more attention in class.

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?

. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.

. I «ve tried telling him that I don» t want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ..... the message.

. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.

. I don «t know what» s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.

. You should try to .......... more attention in class.

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?

. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.

. I «ve tried telling him that I don» t want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ..... the message.

. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.

. I don «t know what» s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.

. You should try to .......... more attention in class.

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to .......... the housework?

. I'm going to .......... a chance and ask her if she wants to go out somewhere.

. I «ve tried telling him that I don» t want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be ..... the message.

. The mountaineers .......... the summit on the fourth day of their ascent.

. I don «t know what» s wrong with me lately. I keep .......... my temper with everyone.

. You should try to .......... more attention in class.

Verb / Noun Collocations

1. Can you .......... an eye on my car while I go in the shop?

. If we .......... a mistake in the exam can we cross it out

. Whose turn is it to ...

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