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Реферат Non-price Competition

work 24h.of tires and disks is very high, so the competition always exists. All the competitors don t have such quality service and the variety of products, that s what helps «Exclusive» to survive in such a big megapolis. Company is always expending by making more trade spots and hiring more quality specialist. All the workers are professionally trained to improve their quality, when new introduction of unique services is made. Comparing with the other companies «exclusive» tries to capture the market and get more potential customers by satisfying their desires and wants. New rules and innovations are always made by the head of directors (packaging, services, and warranty maintenance). Price promotion («Exclusive»)

Best service

Better service and professionalism of staff

Extras client: delay, delivery

Creating additional value of the goods

Innovative packaging

Warranty maintenance

If managers need to quickly promote a product on the market, they can do so without sacrificing the benchmark or market perception of value. One of the common practices - give consumers free samples or provide a product small group of customers who have influence on the market. Other - provide consumers with free trial period for testing. Both methods accelerate the market penetration of the product without compromising its price points.

2.1 ISO9000 Certification

(# «justify"> Cost savings - International Standards help optimize operations and therefore improve the bottom line

Enhanced customer satisfaction - International Standards help improve quality, enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales

Access to new markets - International Standards help prevent trade barriers and open up global markets

Increased market share - International Standards help increase productivity and competitive advantage

Environmental benefits - International Standards help reduce negative impacts on the environment


analysis of a non-price competition has shown that the most important methods of non-price competition are advertising, quality, packaging, product differentiation, unique quality service, the warranty maintenance and the excellent customer service. Non-price competition is the method that is based on no price advantage over competitors, and achieves a higher quality technical level of technological excellence, with greater reliability, longer life and other more sophisticated consumer properties.most significant aspect of the non-price competition is that the companies try to compete on other methods except price. This gives the main idea that the companies should look at the other aspects of the business such as quality, advertising and customer relationships in order to stay competitive in the market., Non-price competition method is implied to enforce the different methods of product differentiation . Differentiation means that the product company has properties that distinguish it from other similar competitor products, which significantly expands consumer choice., The excellent quality maintenance plays the crucial role in the...

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