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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Про структуру військової історії як науки, її загальних положеннях та методології

Реферат Про структуру військової історії як науки, її загальних положеннях та методології

UNITI-DANA, 2009. - 287 s.

9. Sovttskayia voennayia entsiklopedia. V 8 tomah. Т. 3. Grajdanskayai - Yaiokota./Predsedatel Glavmoi red. komissii N.V. Ogarkov.-М .: Voenizdat, 1977.

. Filosofiyia nauki./V.O. Golubintzev, V.A. Dantzev, V.S. Lubtchenro.-Rostov N/D: Feniks, 2007. - 541 s.

N.V. Ageev

of historical sciences, professor, professor of chair of human resource management, document science and archive science of the Russian state social university.education: The Kiev highest antiaircraft rocket school of a name of SM Kirov in ( 1982), the SV air defense Military academy to Smolensk (1997) of the master's thesis: Experience of fight against the air opponent in local wars and armed conflicts of the second half of the XX century of the doctoral dissertation: Development of the theory of application of armies of air defense in army operations and its realization in local wars of the second half of the XX century .publications: Ageev NV Application of expert and intuitive methods in forecasting of control systems.// Interdisciplinary scientific and practical Sociology magazine and social policy. 2 010, Ageev N. V., Kostin K.K. Military history. 2 010, Ageev NV Description, explanation and understanding as procedures of scientific knowledge. 2 010, Ageev NV Some questions of the theory of management. 2 011, etc.of scientific interests: methodology of scientific research, general theory of management, basis of sociological research, military stories of Russia, military conflictologymail: nikol-age@yandex

: at present, scientists of the Russian Federation there is no unity in views on the place, the subject and the interconnection of military science and military history. Essentially continue to dominate views on these issues in the second half of 1980-ies of XX century. In the article the author's variant of the structure of military history as a science, the ratio of items of military history and military science, describes the main aspects of the methodology of the military-historical research.words: object of science, the subject of science, history, military history, military science, methodology of military history, military history research.

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