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Реферат Is teaching an art or is it a science?

Is teaching an art or is it a science?

are two points of view about teaching language. One that teaching language is an art, second - a science. On my opinion, that art always relates to something to be done, science to something to be known. We can say that art conceives the end to be realized and then turns to science for advice and help. It is from science that art learners the laws and rules which must be observed in the activities by which the predetermined end is to be attained. Many people think that TL is a science, because in practice we use some words as: Syllabus - A list of course contents that Ss should study in a particular subject at school, college or university over a period of time. Curriculum - the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college or university; Principle - a scientific law or theory that smth is based on; Approach - theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning. Methods - 1st it is a science which we are going to study or in what way to teach reading or writing skills. Acquisition - learning a foreign or second language, etc. And all these words we use in our practice. But we also can compare TL as an art, because a teacher and a painter creates something new, smth never been before and smth tat only they have. But we also can say that art and science can complement and assist each other. When a concept is not clear in its written form, the visual form can assist the learner to comprehend, and likewise, when the visual form is confusing and unclear, the written form can facilitate understanding. So my opinion that TL is an art and a science, we can observe different cases in our life. p align="justify"> Problems in methods of flt

There are three main problems in Methods of FLT: 1) Why to teach ie aims of teaching a foreign language, 2) What to teach ie content of teaching; 3) How to teach a foreign language to attain the aims in the most effective way ie principles of teaching

) Aims of teaching a foreign language № The term В«aimsВ» means long-term goals. They are the final results aimed at in an educational process. A teacher should know exactly what his students are expected to achieve in learning his subject at the end of the course, at the end of the year, term, month, week, and at each lesson, ie he should know the aims and objectives of foreign language teaching in schools or any other educational institutions. There are three aims which should be achieved in foreign language teaching: Educational, Cultural, Practical or Communicative.aimslearning a foreign language students understand better how language functions and this makes them understand better the functioning of their own language. The educational aims may be classified under two main headings:

. Teaching Langu...

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