m0) in length, with a depth alongside of 18 feet (5m5)
The Passenger landing jetty (Lat 33 '0г S., Long. 27 64' E.) is 283 feet (86m3) in length, with a depth alongside of 13 feet (4m0). Fish wharf is situated close below the bridge at the head of the harbour; it is 360 feet (109m7) in length, with a depth alongside of 20 feet (6ml). p align="justify"> e) Dockyard pier projects from the southern shore of the harbour, close westward
of the Naval dockyard. It is L-shaped, and is 160 by 42 feet (48m8 by 12m8)
and has a depth of +14,5 feet 80 (4m4) alongside its end; there is a 5-ton travel
ling crane on the pier. The passenger landing pier projects about 150 feet (45m7) from the shore abreast the Roman Catholic Church, and at its outer end is a pontoon, 50 feet (15m2) in length, with a depth alongside of 10 feet (3m0). All persons must land at this pier, at the root of which is the Custom house. Boats are not allowed to make fast to piers nor to lie alongside for any length of time. Moderate engineering repairs can be carried out by the Government Railway and Harbour workshops. Fair quantities of fresh provisions are obtainable, but prior notice is desirable. Water can only be obtained in small quantities in case of emergency.7. Find English equivalents for the following phrases попередньо обладнаний за винятком пристосування виконувати, виробляти зовнішній, зовнішній
послідовно вантажопідйомність сходити на берег
Exercise 8. Watch the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme"
(Berthing, leaving berth and underway "(pay particular attention to shots 5-19) the scheme of a vessel with all lines used. the lines and the equipment necessary to work with them9. Read, translate and memorize the textapproaching the berth, commands for mooring are given by the pilot or the master. The first order to be given is uGivG on shore the heaving line! ". It is pulled from the vessel on shore by line-handlers ( linesmen). Then comes the next order: "Send on shore ...". First the essential lines should be sent on shore, such as the head rope, the stern rope, then the breast lines and the springs.a line is too short it should be paid away. And vice versa if it is too long the order "Heave in the slack" is given.leaving berth, casting off orders are given by the pilot or the master. After having started the engine, the first order is: "Stand by for letting go!". a line is cast off the next order will then be: "Heave away", which means that the line can be pulled aboard.sequence of commands for mooring that can then be given depends on how the vessel is supposed to be berthed, and on the prevailing weather condition and currents.10. Listen to the dialoguevessel is getting ready to sail from Newharbour to Havenport; the first leg of a voyage that's going to take her halfway round the world.
Captain: Utopia Forward Station, Utopia Aft Station, this is Utopia Bridge. How do you read me? Chief Officer: Utopia Bridge, this is Utopia Forward Station. I read you with signal strength five.Second Officer: Utopia Bridge, this is Utopia Aft Station. 1 read you with signal strength five.Captain: Utopia Forward Station. Single up forward to head line and spring.Chief Officer: I will single up.Captain: Utopia Aft Station. Single up aft to breast line and stern buoy line. Take tugs towing line to capstan, then make fast on starboard quarter.Second Officer: I will single up and make tug fast.Chief Officer: Utopia. Singled up forward.Second Officer: Utopia Singled up aft.Tug fast.Captain: Utopia. Let go fare and aft.Chief Officer: Utopia Forward Station. Let go.Second Officer: Utopia Aft Station. Let go. 11. Make your own dialogue using the commands abovevery careful when naming the lines. The omission of one word can change the command completely and cause an accident. Compare:
"Cast off stern!" (all the stern ropes, including stern tug towing line if applicable)
"Cast off stern line" 12. Read, translate and find Russian equivalents for the commands
Single up - "Single up fore/aft" - Instruction to haul or pull onboard all but essential lines mentioned, so that ship is ready to leave the quay or berth.
Let go - "let go fore and a...