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Реферат The Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Interjections in the English and Spanish Languages

do not expect either the trains of the railways lines to be painted this color. Nor do we expect the distances between stations to be accurately represented ... it follows the text is rich in words that belong to a normal literary layer of the language. Words magically match the linguistic terms and the concept that the author is explaining here:

We are trying, then, to produce a diagram of the connections in the mental lexicon which in some respect comparable to a plan of the London Underground. However, there is one way in which this mental map is quite different. We can go down in the Underground and map the connections between stations. But we can not view the connections in the mind directly. We are instead in the situation of observers who could watch passengers entering and leaving train stations but could neither enter the system nor communicate directly with the travelers ... description is the great example of an extended metaphor, which helps us to understand the concept of mental maps better.who are engaged in humanitarian studies resort to imagery and colorful comparisons that help to clarify abstract ideas transmitted to the addressee through a scientific article or report. scientific texts abound with a great number of epithets:

e.g. The beautiful geometric reasoning was abandoned ... ». G. Descartes demonstrated the power of a remarkable format for constructing a law of nature, the conservative law .g. The excerpt is an excellent example of Galileo's forensic style ..g.... the belief in pure action at a distance became the supreme test of rationalism .). g. He made his first attempt at his celebrated experiment . The familiarity with which most of us are able to use our present-day number system conceals the superb feat of ingenuity that was its creation ... (New Scientist, 2007) .g. Euler published a tremendously successful popularization of science in 1768. ». G. Mathematics, which is so often considered to be a shining example of neatness and logic ... » .g.... mankind has nevertheless reached a position of unparalleled domination of the planet. .g. These three laws, so easily stated, sum up the important results obtained in a prodigious amount of brilliant mental and physical work extending over many decades. (National Geographic, 2004) mentioned the usage of metaphors in popular scientific literature. They are used to create vividness of representation and give the information in the accessible way and to describe the fact in question in the understandable manner: .g. Since for more than 2 000 years mathematics had been the bastion of truth of non-Euclidean geometry, the triumph of reason , proved to be an intellectual disaster ..g. The plane, however, is a peculiar pancaked world ..g. Gravitational collapse is thus both the midwife and the undertaker of astrophysics . planets, however, are mavericks . (American Scientist, 2003) .g. The President may have picked his gladiator , but there is no need to give him marching orders for a month or two. (About Boeing company) .g. This/imagination/has always been the driving wheel of scientific creativity ..g. And with the new universe comes a new toss of the cosmic dice ... .g. The operator which usually goes by the cryptic title of j could be classed as a kind of abominable snowman of mathematics ..g. If we agree that numbers used in this way have a touch of operator blood in them we must agree that the minus sign is a veritable half-caste ..g. Fortunately for our purposes, there is no need to resurrect any of these bygone tribulations . (National Geographic, 2004) metaphors in these examples strike the imagination of the reader making him or her create images and understand the subject in question more clear.we showed how authors employed different stylistic devices and language means to make popular scientific literature colorful and interesting for the reader. A number of language means are called to establish intimate connection between the author and the reader, involving the latter in the scientific discussion.


this term paper we discussed popular scientific prose style as a part of scientific prose. We described the peculiarities of scientific style and popular scientific prose, their differences and what they have in commo...

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