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Реферат What is love

which love can not exist.love is very different from the love of an adult. True love in adolescence is extremely rare, since the physiological maturation occurs faster mining. Often occurs in teenagers love or infatuation. The desire to look older is appropriate behavior: courtship and interest in the opposite sex, notes, first date, first kiss. But not always this behavior is dictated by your needs, the more spiritual. Many teenagers start dating someone just because they are afraid of being alone. But it will not bring anything but trouble and bad memories, and is unlikely to be enjoyable. At this age are often afraid of someone else's opinions, especially those of peers. Afraid to be some not so (not so). The best, the best time to start relationships with the opposite sex teenager must determine for himself, or rather, feel. If he really likes someone from their peers and want to know about him (about it) more, we can assume that the time has come. Ideas about what should be the favorite person, often at odds with reality. Ideal image usually contains a lot of inflated, fictitious claims, and other important qualities are not recognized, go unnoticed.


sayings about love

In life should be love - one great love for life, this justifies Causeless seizure despair that we are exposed. Albert Camus.

There is not force more powerful than love. Stravinsky.

Once you understand what love heals all, and love - is all that are in the world. G. Zukav.

Love - a priceless gift. The only thing that we can give it and yet it you've got left. Leo Tolstoy.

Love - is the lamp and illuminates the universe; without light of love Earth would become a barren desert, a people - Handful dust. M. Braddon

Love - the beginning and end of our existence. No love no life. That is why love is what I bow before what a wise man. Confucius.

Oh how women and men can understand each other, because they both want different: a man wants woman, but woman wants a man. Karinthy- is so vast concept that no one can never fully express to the end of the whole range of feelings and emotions associated with the word Love raquo ;.

ATTAchment 2

AGE 13 - 17


love feeling teenage



you believe in love?

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