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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Книга, учебник » General Characteristics of Lexicology

Реферат General Characteristics of Lexicology

s of modern English. Now that in modern English we cannot find words built after the pattern dis + adjective stem (dis + happy? Dis + pleasant? Dis + nice?, Etc.), We must come to the conclusion that the derivational history of disagreeable included the following stages: 1. dis-+ verb stem agree; this resulted in the prefixational verb disagree (cf. verbs built after the pattern dis-+ V: dislike, disappear, etc.); 2. verb stem disagree + able-; this resulted in the adjective disagreeable
(cf. adjectives built after the pattern V +-able: readable, eatable, drinkable, etc.).
Affixation as a way of word-building.
Affixation is the formation of words by adding derivational morphemes to stems.and prefixes differ in their position in the word and in their role in word-building. Suffixes possess two meanings - lexical and grammatical, ie they change both the lexical and the grammatical (part-of-speech) meaning of the new word. For example the lexical meaning of the suffix - less (in helpless, hopeless, etc.) Is В«absence of qualityВ». Its grammatical meaning is В«adjective-building suffixВ». Prefixes as a rule possess only one meaning - lexical meaning. Foe instance the prefix un - (in unpleasant, unhappy, etc.) Builds words opposite in meaning, but it does not change the part-of-speech meaning of new words.three prefixes - be-, en-, a - make an exception as they change the part-of-speech meaning of new words.pattern be + noun or adjective stem forms verbs: to behead smb. В«ОбезголовитиВ», to befriend smb. В«Подружитися з ким-л.В», To belittle (Don t belittle yourself! В«Не прибіднюйся!"). Pattern en + noun or adjective stem forms verbs: to enrich oneself, to enslave smb.pattern a + noun or verb stem forms statives: afire, asleep, awake (be afire, be asleep, be awake).

Suffixation. Classification of Suffixes.

Suffixes are classified according to two meanings: according to their part-of-speech (grammatical) meaning and according to their lexical meaning.to their part-of-speech meaning suffixes are classified into the following groups :

) noun-forming suffixes - er (worker), - ment (achievement), - hood (childhood), - ance (appearance), 2) verb-forming suffixes - fy/- ify (magnify, beautify, dandify, monkeyfy В«зробити схожим на ...В»), - ise/- ize (characterise), - en (strengthen), etc.;

) adjective-forming suffixes - less (helpless), - ful (helpful), - al (historical), etc.;

) adverb-forming suffixes: - ly (quickly), - ward (southward, westward), - wise (edgewise), - ways (sideways В«бокомВ»), etc.;

) numeral-forming suffixes - teen (sixteen), - th (sixth), - ty (sixty), etc.each of these groups suffixes are further classified according to their lexical meaning.

. Noun-forming suffixes are classified into the following groups :) suffixes of a doer (agent) of an action: - er (dancer), - or (collector) ;) suffixes of profession: - er (teacher), - or (editor ), - eer (engineer), - ist (violinist), etc. ;) suffix forming nouns, which denote occupation at the moment: - er (sleeper, passer-by, traveller) ;) abstract-noun suffixes denoting state, condition : - dom (boredom), - hood (childhood), - ness (kindness), etc. ;) diminutive suffixes: - y (daddy), - ie (Charlie, hankie - from handkerchief, goalie - from goalkeeper, Sweetie! В« Мілочка! "); - let (bookletВ« брошура В», leafletВ« листівка В»), etc. ;) derogatory suffixes: - ster (youngsterВ« молокосос В», oldsterВ« дідуган В»), - eer (marketeerВ« торгаш В»), etc ;) suffix forming nouns, which express views: - ism (communism, racism, sexism), etc. ;) suffix of collectivity: - ry (peasantry), etc. ;) suffix forming female nouns: - ess (hostess, princess, lioness) ;) suffix forming nouns which denote an object of smb.s action: - ee (employee, tutee, murderee), etc.

. Adjective-forming suffixes are classified into the following groups:

suffixes expressing presence of some quality: - ful (hopeful), etc.; suffixes expressing absence of some quality: - less (hopeless), etc.; suffixes expressing connection with smth.: - al (political, historical) suffixes expressing nationality: - ish (English, Spanish), - ian (Russian), etc.

3. Verb-forming suffixes express the change of quality: - ise (privatise), - ify (magnify), - en (shorten), etc. p align="justify">. Adverb-forming suffixes are classified into the following groups:

suffixes denoting the manner of action: - ly (nicely), - wise (othewise, clockwise...

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