o spend the summer in the country. p align="justify"> 6. (ВІН) is young. - He is young. p align="justify"> Розкрійте дужки у неї звіщав.
1. Do you know (его)? - Yes, I do. (ВІН) is my brother's friend. - Do you know him? - Yes, I do. He is my brother's friend. p align="justify"> 2. (Ее) camera is dear. And (его)? - Her camera is dear. And his? p align="justify"> 3. This is (наш) bus. And (ваш)? - This is our bus. And your? p align="justify"> 4. (Їхні) stories are very short. - Their stories are very short. p align="justify"> 5. (ЙОГО) books are on the shelf. (ЇЇ) are on the table. - His books are on the shelf. Hers are on the table. p align="justify"> Розкрійте дужки у таких реченья, звертаючи уваги на осoбову форму дієслів у Present Indefinite.
1. It (to be) warm today. - It is warm today. p align="justify"> 2. I (to have) a rest after dinner. - I have a rest after dinner. p align="justify"> 3. My friend (to write) tests every week. - My friend writes tests every week. p align="justify"> 4. We (to begin) our work at 8 o'clock. - We begin our work at 8 o'clock. p align="justify"> 5. They (to study) German at school. - They study German at school. p align="justify"> 6. My mother (to like) not milk. - My mother likes not milk. p align="justify"> 7. He (to be) a correspondent student. - He is a correspondent student. p align="justify"> Поставте речення в Present Indefinite y Future Indefinite.
1. I have a lot of relatives. - I shall have a lot of relatives. p align="justify"> 2. You are in the street. - You will be in the street. p align="justify"> 3. My brother works at a factory. - My brother will work at a factory. p align="justify"> Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.
1. У неї є Родичі в Сочі. - She has her parents in Sochy. p align="justify"> 2. Твоя сестра вдома? - Is your sister at home? p align="justify"> 3. Вчора я вставши про восьмій. - Yesterday I got up at eight o clock.
4. У школі я не Вивчай англійську мову. - I did not study the English at a school. p align="justify"> 5. Завтра Лекція почнет про шостій годіні. - Tomorrow the lecture will begin at six o clock.
6. Вона будe в школі завтра? - Will she be at a school tomorrow? p align="justify"> Поставте речення у пітальні та заперечну форми.
1. Last week I wrote a letter to Jane. - Did you write a letter to Jane last week? - I did not write a letter to Jane last week. p align="justify">. Yesterday the weather was good. - Did the weather be good yesterday? - The weather did not be good yesterday. p align="justify">. They will have a good week-end. - Will they have a good week-end? - They will not have a good week-end. p align="justify">. Next year...