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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

Реферат Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

the document and which must be unambiguous, eg: tax exemption; immovable property ; air services etc.;

В· the encoded character of language: the use of symbols, abbreviations and acronyms, eg: MP (Member of Parliament); IMF (International Monetary Fund); UN (United Nations); VAT (value-added tax) etc.;

В· absence of any emotions, stylistic devices and expressive means;

В· complicated syntax: combining several pronouncements into one sentence which usually begins with a new paragraph; the use of the participial and infinitive constructions; long compound and complex sentences;

В· reference to the present or future which is expressed by the preference to use the Present Indefinite, the Present Perfect and the Future Indefinite tenses [9, 44-45] .

2. Texts of binding documents with the titles resolution and recommendation

The fulfilment of such documents is one of the commitments of every CoE member state, because, having signed the Statute of the Council of Europe, the member states have agreed to fulfil its provisions and honour CoE standards and principles. In contrast to the documents of the first type, the language of these documents is milder. Such phrases as "the Parties shall ...", "the Parties undertake to ..." or "the Parties will ..." practically are not used in their texts. They are usually replaced by models bearing the character of statement and recommendation: "the Assembly is of the opinion ...", "the Assembly may decide to ..." Still, it s clear that if a member state does not satisfy the demands of a resolution or a recommendation, it may be expelled for non-compliance with the commitments to CoE.

3 - Texts of informative documents

Here belong the Coe decisions, opinions, statements, declarations and press releases, which state the CoE official position concerning different issues within its competence., texts of CoE official documents as well as other IO documents belong to the official style of language. They have logical, official, precise, stereotypical and imperative character. According to their dominant communicative intention, structural and semantic characteristics, texts of CoE documents can be divided into 1) texts of binding documents (conventions, statutes, treaties, agreements), 2) texts of binding documents with the titles resolution and recommendation ...

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