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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

Реферат Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

of speech etiquette. For example, for the Slavs an American answer Fine! (Дуже добре!) For a common question How are you? or How are you doing? (Як справи?) doesn t sound honestly. We answer these questions more neutrally and calmly: добро, нормально, Нічого, потихенько. But such answers as погано, Так собі or vice versa - чудово, відмінно, краще НЕ Буває etc. require interlocutor to be informed or explanation. In the American surroundings we are a little bit disturbed and seems familiar a greeting Hello!, Which they very often used, even with strangers. Recently the trend has spread on spoken Hi! (Прівіт!). The teacher can say hello to his students just Hi! or Hi, folks! (Привіт, хлопці та дівчата!). The use of such greetings addressing to a stranger does not tell us that Americans are not breeding. This is a method of identifying friendly attitude, intention and to make friends with a man.specific conceptual world with features of customs and traditions and stereotypes of behavior does not accurately reflected in the language of the people, and is born, grows and lives in language, making it indivisibly ethnic, psychological, linguistic, cultural field [10, 27]., all definitions of the concept show the language connections with the culture. Objects of the world are cultural objects of only when information about them is etnospeeched thinking as quantum knowledge of concepts [11, 45]. By this time the term is not precise, although it is listed in linguistics and the study engaged in ND Arutyunov, A.. P Babushkin, A. Vezhbytska, E.S. Kubryakova, S. Nikitin, V.N. Telia, R.M. Frumkina etc. . Notion of a concept is derived from philosophy and logic, but in the last 15 years it undergoes updating and rethinking. Different definitions enable us to identify the following features of the concept:

Гј It is the minimum unit of human experience in its ideal conception, which verbalizes words and structures;

Гј It is the basic unit of processing, storage and transfer of knowledge;

Гј Concept has a precise function;

Гј It is a social concept, its associative field determines the pragmatics of concept;

Гј It is a basic culture center [9, 94].

Lack of general definitions of the concept are connected with the fact that the concept is complex, multidimensional structure, which includes in addition to conceptual framework that not only overthinking by native speaker, but also experienced it, association , emotion, evaluation, national images and connotations that are inherent a part...

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