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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

struments. In Fig. 3.14 shows a scheme of treatment tools and equipment at the facility. Sometimes, to determine the cost of production equipment in the performance of programs use the rules for calculation of costs. During normal equipment cosset his mind of that wear out in the performance of a specified amount of work. These rules define for each standard size equipment. Defining the total (annual) need technological equipment, planning and dispatching office of instrumental constantly performs another important function - the current inventory control tools and equipment. The fact that В¬ nd that required equipment supplied to the enterprise at a time, and parts. Therefore, for each kind of tools and equipment necessary to calculate: - Operational and capital equipping your shop; - An operational and capital equipment (and tools) company. Operating fund equipment shop (hekspi) in the i-th type of tool (equipment) is defined as the sum of the tool in the workplace (hrmi) in sharpening and repair (hzri), ie (2.5) where ht - number of i -type tool (equipment) in the workplace, from.; ht - number of tools (equipment) and the second type, found in aggravation and repair vehicles.; t1i - delivery period and the second type of instrument for jobs, vehicles. time; t2i - during removal tool from the equipment (machines), vehicles. time; keel bone tools and the second kind simultaneously used on all workplace workshop units. and those - the number of jobs, which also used this tool and the second type, units.; k - coefficient insurance reserve instrument and the second type of workplace; t3i - time spent on sharpening and repair of equipment (and tools) and the second type, units. time. [10, p .. 304 - 307] Main directions of improvement of instrumental economy and increase its effectiveness governmental functioning as part of enterprise infrastructure: 1. In the field of product design and technology of its production - a simmering structure (structure) products, their unification and standardization; typing processes: control of technological design, the use of scientific approaches in the design and optimization methods. 2. In the field of designing and manufacturing of technological equipment, etc. strumentu - a unification and standardization of equipment components and structural elements, the use of computer aided design systems based on classification and coding equipment, reduction of developed and fabrication equipment. 3. In the field of management - the use of scientific approaches and methods of marketing research, detection of structural advantages of the enterprise, improve accounting, control, analysis, and work motivation. 4. In the field of operation, repair and renovation equipment - to ensure normal working conditions of the central instrumental composition and instrumental pantries distributing organization to ensure effective employment of high quality equipment and tools of modern samples, centralized too...

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