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Реферат Criminal law

Theories of Punishment

have several theories to support the use of punishment to maintain order in society.

Theories of punishment can be divided into two general philosophies: utilitarian and retributive (прагматик і каральний). The utilitarian theory of punishment seeks to punish offenders to discourage, or «deter,» future wrongdoing. The retributive theory seeks to punish offenders because they deserve to be punished.

Juvenile Delinquents

our streets are full of juvenile delinquents. The bangs with such offenders are too dangerous. They drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and different narcotic drugs. They use unprintable language. But there are too serious offenders in the streets, who commit crimes. They could be burglars, muggers, robbers. But what are the reasons of such behavior? First of all, the family of such children influence on them. The family should keep an eye on the development of their child. The child must get the education. It is necessary to involve a child to some hobby group. So, the first reason of the development juvenile delinquents is the lack of parental supervision. Such children don t know, what softness, kindness and love is, they could be maltreated children. So they injure and harm other people. Certainly, parents must know friends of their child. Because a great influence upon children exert the environment. A weak-willed child can get into a bang of offender peers, who are interested only in alcohol, cigarettes and robbery. More over a great influence upon juvenile delinquents exert the state, especially economy. Many young people can t keep a family, because of lack of job and money. So, often children of young parents are found in the streets. Mass media should be mentioned too. Every person could notice how much programs with murders, drug and alcohol addiction, robbery are on the TV. Such offences are not more hidden of the children. They see murders in details. And only parents can control the programs their children watch. Juvenile Offenders) Youth gangs have been a part of Los Angeles since the fifties. Back then their activities were largely confined to petty crimes and small-scale marijuana dealing. But lately the numbers of gangs have become staggering totalling from about 5,000 members lo 10,000. Almpst all the gangs are involved in the cocaine trade. «A typical gang might have 200 kids from 13 to 26 years of age,» says Steven Strong, the L.A. Police department «s detective. «Two weeks ago 30-year-old David Thompson and his wife were stopped by three armed teenagers, who rushed the couple, robbed them and then casually shot Thompson in the head. The gang members pushed the dying man »s wife out of the car, got in and drove away.») Every night - and in many areas day and night, thousands of police cars patrol the streets of American towns. The list of crimes starts with petty crimes, goes through house-breaking, shoplifting, mug0ng to be topped by homicide. Entire neighbourhoods are terrorized by mobsters and thugs, many of them are quite young.) Just think about how teenagers run away from homes, their own, from caring as it seems mothers, fathers, grandmothers. Why do they choose to look and act aggressive and tough? Take rockers who startle passers-by by the flashing lights of their roaring night motorbikes. Why do they, ...

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