звиток фонетичних, лексичних та граматичних навичок і їх тренування в наступних аспектах: аудіювання і говоріння, розвиток пам'яті, мовної здогадки;
Освітня: аудіювання з метою добування конкретної інформації
Хід уроку
) Організаційний момент
TeacherStudentsGood morning, children! I m glad to see you. How are you? I m all right, thank you. Sit down, please.Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you. And you? 1 хв
) Постановка мети
TeacherStudentsAlyona, what did we do on the previous lesson? Look at the blackboard. What do you think we are going to do today? We learnt new jobs. We are going to learn new jobs and talk about our free time.
) Говоріння. Повторення пройденого матеріалу.
Гра 1. Дітям роздаю картки з професіями.
Доска.person ... is someone who ...
TeacherStudentsSome of you have sheets of paper with jobs. Don t show it to anyone. Tanya, now you have to give the definition of the job you have and your classmates will guess what job it is. Ss give the definitions. Example: This person designs buildings./This is someone who designs buildings.
Гра 2. Діти по черзі отримують назву професії і встають. Решта повинні вгадати, що це за професія за допомогою питальних речень в Present Simple.
? Do/does + S + V?
? Is it ...?
TeacherStudentsWe are going to play the next game. I give some of you jobs and others have to guess what job you have asking questions. You can see the structures of the questions at the blackboard. Yura, what tense do we use when we ask about the job? Is the task clear? Yegor, this job is for you. (Hairdresser) Stand up please. Who wants to ask Yegor? Alyona, start, please. Sonya, your question, please. Tanya, you are the next. This is for you. (carpenter) Ulyana, ask Tanya, please. Maxim, your question. Yura, ask your question, please.We use Present Simple tense. Yes. Thank you. A: Does this person look after sick people? Y: No, he doesn t. S: Does this person cut hair? Y: Yes, he does. U: Does he serve customers? T: No, he doesn t. M: Does this person play records on the radio? T: No, he doesn t. Y: Does this person make wooden furniture? T: Yes, he does. Y: Is it a carpenter? T: Yes, it is.
) Перевірка домашнього заданія.стр. 5 упр. 5a, b
Доскаhandle money
TeacherStudentsNow we are going to check your home task. Open, please, your workbooks on page 5. At home you made the phrases and now you have to make up sentences. We do it all together orally. Maxim, read the example, please.Ss read the sentences one by one.
) Аудіювання.
Доскаdriver- make short and long journeys defend clients in the courtexecutive- meet with the stuff and the clients
TeacherStudentsNow, children, look at the blackboard, please. You can see some new jobs there. Let s read them all together after me. Lorry driver Lawyer Business executive Write down these words into your dictionaries, please. (3 хв) We are going to do the listening task. Open, please, your workbooks on page 7. We are going to do exercise number 16. In this exercise you have to match the speakers to their professions. You are going to listen to the recording twice. Is the task clear? Then listen. Lorry driver Lawyer Business executive Yes.
TeacherStudentsLet s check the answers. Change your workbooks, please and take pencils. Alyona, can you make the 1st sentence? How many mistakes did maxim make? Speaker 1 is ... 1 2 3 4 5
) Перехід на тему Free-time activities. Говоріння.
TeacherStudentsTanya, what is your job now? Do you have free time? What do you do in your free time? And what about you, Sonya? What do you do in your free time? As you can understand, now we are going to talk about free-time activities. What about me, I enjoy scuba diving. I go to the sea every summer and do scuba diving. Alyona, can you guess what does scuba diving mean? What is it? Right your! Now open, please, your workbooks to study some more hobbies or free-time activities. I give you some sheets of paper with new vocabulary. (Handle) Now let s read them all together after me.T: I ma pupil. T: Yes, I do. T: I me...