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Реферат Teaching reading at an advanced level

, tremors, massive shock)

) Now read the text [6, p.173] .. Before you read the text, read the questions below and try to answer them. After reading the text read once more the questions and try to correct the mistakes which you have done before the reading .. Read the second or the third paragraph and try to predict what you are going to read in the first and last paragraph. br/>

.2 While-reading

all reading is simple extensive-global reading. There may be certain facts or rhetorical devices that students shoud take note while they read. This gives them a sense of purpose rather than just reading. It is important to inform the students why they are going to read the suggested text. You may supply them with exercises which they should do, or explain what you will do when they continue reading. Then they will be able to choose the right strategy for the reading.can distinguish between different aims of the reading:

Reading for the main idea. This means to read the whole text quickly to get the general idea of ​​what it is about. p align="justify"> Read text predictions. At points in the text that something dramatic has happend, or is going to happen soon, we can ask students to stop reading, close the books and try to predict what might happen next. This encourage the students to read carefully, imagine and discuss future possibilities, then read the next part to check their predictions [18, p.67]. p align="justify"> Reading to extract specific information. Students are supplied with the questions or task which they are going to answer before reading the text. This type of reading will help them to develop their scanning skills. They should quickly scan the text only to extract the information which the questions demand. p align="justify"> reading for communicative taks. This type of reading is very important, because it helps to develop not only student s reading skills, but also their communicative skills. For this purpose you may cut the short text into pieces. Then divide the students in two groups. Then give the part of the text to each students. They should put them together in the right order and read the whole story. Then the teacher may ask the questions concerning the story, or ask the students their opinion about the events in the story. The reading here is purposal and communicative. Those who read know that they they will have to answer some questions in order to communicate [10, p.204]. Type of reading is usually supplied with different activities:. For each paragraph or part of the story, students find the words or the sentences, that are the most important. This encourages them to not read the whole text in details .. Read the text and note down the most important information about the main hero in the form of the table or the chart. Then compare this information with the information tha...

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