linguistics development there were new prospects for research of a category of gender, including its linguistic means of expression. The majority of scientists specify in communication of gender with a sex. The thought on practical conditionality of presence of the names expressing a category of gender (at animals) seems to us lawful. So, in English language masculine and a feminine gender of a noun В«pigВ» is expressed by means of different lexemes В«hogВ» and В«sowВ». Doubts concerning that the gender category has arisen for a designation of sexual distinctions, had unilateral character. The grammatical gender was mainly considered from morphology and syntax positions. However absence of a grammatical category of gender, in our opinion, does not deny presence of a lexical (semantic) or В«mentalВ» category of gender for a designation of persons (individuals) male and female.system of language, feature of native speakers leave traces and on gender category. A.V. Kirilina, the researcher of gender aspects of language, notices that to the most ancient and long time a unique hypothesis about the reasons of occurrence and functioning of a category of gender became simvoliko-semantic which supporters explained occurrence of a grammatical gender by presence of people of a different sex. This hypothesis was based on onimizm and antromorphizm mythological thinking [Kirilina, 1998] .. G. Koshevaja, considering theories about display of a category of gender, allocates J. Grimma's theory and K. Brugmana's theory. The first considers that the grammatical gender is connected with natural, ie last В«is translationredВ» on subjects according to their qualities. According to the theory of Brugmana the gender is considered mechanical process which is caused by the external form [Koshevaja, Dubovsky, 1980: 199-200]. Of this hypothesis (Gerder, the Grimm, V. Humboldt and others) explained extralinguistic motivation of a category of a gender the extralanguage experience. In particular the analysis spent by J. Grimmom, has shown that masculine gender words possess semantics більшою forces, speeds, activity, energy, творчої, primacy while feminine gender names are characterised by passivity, softness, minority [Grimm]. Such vision of correlation of a grammatical gender with words has resulted, in opinion Kirilinoj, to occurrence оцінковості in interpretation of a category of a gender: the masculine gender appeared paramount [Kirilina, 1998]. The simvoliko-semantic hypothesis was not unique. Opening of languages ​​in which the gender category is absent, has called it into question.Old English language the gender was expressed morphologically, therefore expression of syntactic links between words by means of their coordination in a gender was its appointment except morphological classification of a noun . And in modern English language morphological indicators of a category of a gender have appeared basically lost, therefore value of...