a gender in English language is translationred: a) a lexical word meaning: a masculine gender - man, boy ; a feminine gender - woman , girl ; a neutral gender - table, house ; b) personal pronouns - he, she, it ; c) in structure of a word by means of suffixes- ess , - ine, - er: an actress , and heroine , a widower , a tigress ; d) compound nouns: and woman-doctor ; a he-wolf - a she-wolf span> . with that or other is connected with division of nouns on bases which is more ancient, than their division on grammatical genders. Therefore communication of a grammatical gender with natural was not the basic criterion of division of nouns on genders. It speaks both a divergence between a grammatical gender and a sex which took place in certain cases in Old English language, for example: woman (OE. wоfman ) was a masculine gender; maiden span> (OE. mжgden ) - a neutral gender. Recognizing that a grammatical gender often does not coincide with natural (ie with a sex), many scientists recognize that the form, instead of value is a determinative in a considered problem that, however, is not relevant for modern English language.well as in many other languages, the gender category in English language is closely connected with an animateness-inanimateness category, and the inanimateness category practically coincides with a neutral gender category. From here the conclusion that in modern English language of a word are classified В«by the nature ofВ» through those subjects with which they correspond quite naturally follows. Formally it is expressed, first of all, in a choice of various personal pronouns. This choice basically is based on an animateness-inanimateness. At the same time in English language there is no simple dichotomy which would allow to correlate all В«inanimateВ» nouns to a pronoun it, and animated accordingly - with he or she < span align = "justify"> [Elmslev, 1975; Yemelyanov, 1988]. Unlike Russian where usually anima...