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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Судноводіння на рівні управління

Реферат Судноводіння на рівні управління


.37 A conspicuous thin tower, 56m high, stands 1.1 miles NE of Torre del Marzocco in the vicinity of several tall chimneys and other industrial structures. Several grain silos, 45m high, stand on the N side of Porto Mediceo, 0.9 mile S of Torre del Marzocco.

.37 Landmarks in the city and harbor area include a convent, with a cupola, standing 0.7 mile S of Torre del Marzocco; the square belfry of the cathedral, standing 0.3 mile S of the convent; and a conspicuous high-rise building, 86m high, standing 0.7 mile S of the cathedral. Another light-colored high-rise building stands in the center of the city and is prominent.

.37 The cranes of the Ansaldo Shipyards, standing S of the grain silos, are prominent. The Italian Naval Academy, situated between Livorno and the suburb of Ardenza, consists of a large gray building. Its square clock tower, which is surmounted by a flagstaff, contains a signal station. Several radio antennas, 67m high, stand close S of the academy building.

.37 The coast between Livorno and the suburb of Antignano, 3 miles SSE, is broken, rocky, and fronted by a bank.

.37 Monte Nero, 313m high, stands 4.5 miles SSE of Livorno and is surmounted by a prominent tower. A white chapel stands high up on the slopes of this hill.

.37 Pilots must contact Port Approaches Control on VHF channel 80 at the time of embarkation / disembarkation stating the following information:

.37 Pilotageis compulsory for vessels over 500 grt and is available 24 hours. Pilots should be contacted on VHF channel 12 at least 1 hour prior to arrival. Pilots board in position 43 ° 34.3 «N, 10 ° 16.6» E for Bocca Nord and in position 43 ° 31.7 «N, 10 ° 16.1» E for Bocca Sud.traffic separation scheme (TSS) with inner and outer precautionary areas, the limits of which are shown on the chart, lies in the approaches to the S entrance of the harbor and extends SW. Stopping is prohibited in the outer precautionary area. Inbound vessels must keep to the S of this zone and outbound vessels must keep to the N of it. Crossing the separation zone from N to S or vice-versa is prohibited except for small vessels and fishing boats.

.37 If the entrance is occupied by a vessel leaving, an arriving vessel must wait until the entrance is clear.

.37 Vessels using the N entrance must keep to the starboard side of the entrance channel. Vessels with drafts of more than 3m may not use the N entrance .. Rada di Livorno, which lies between Secche della Meloria and the section of the coast extending N from the port area, offers temporary anchorage with some protection from SW seas. Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 9m, about 1.2 miles NW, 1.2 miles W, or 2 miles NW of the N harbor entranceto Promontorio di Piombinodel Boccale (43 ° 29 «N., 10 ° 20» E.), which stands 4 miles SSE of the S breakwater at Livorno, is attached to a villa and the two together resemble a castle. Torre Calafuria, situated close N of a masonry viaduct, stands 0.2 mile SSE of Torre del Boccale and is also prominent. Il Montaccio, 253m high, stands 1 mile E of Torre del Boccale and its summit is surmounted by the ruins of a signal station.

.38 Torre del Romito, a prominent light-colored structure, stands 1.2 miles ESE of Torre Calaf...

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