online for us. Their availability is a continuing process. It is a great gift which people can receive. This type of friendship an help us to live truthfully and hopefully. I think that only for such type of relationships the term friend needs to be was reflected before, the sharing of ourselves means to reveal ourselves toward other people. In other words, it requires openness. However, in the same time, it does not imply a total openness and total revealing. All people can have some secrets which can be revealed only to God. Consequently, it leads to the understanding of closedness in relationships. It implies keeping someone s secrets. The revealing someone s secrets can break strongly relationships between people. This closedness requires mutual protection of other person. Then, this closedness will lead to more openness. Therefore, we need to keep the intimate mystery of friendship between each was mentioned above, the openness requires mutuality, because sharing is not just giving over and over again. It is also receiving. Openness and sharing is, as Arthur Gish defines, a two-way experience. It leads to the virtue of reciprocity. Here I would like to refer to McCarthy s thoughts. He calls reciprocity as a habit of how we are disposed toward the good from others, the good for others, and the goods of life. The concept of reciprocity also draws a special attention to the act of receiving. I think that everyone knows that if he or she will practice sharing just by giving without any receiving something back, he or she will be burnt out and exhausted. Then, that person simple will not be able to give something else. Therefore, receiving should be present in the social relationships between people., In the same time, reciprocity is not the method of exchange, or it is not a payback. McCarthy argues that the virtue of reciprocity has deal not with a payback, but more with our disposition to do the good in terms of what and how we receive. It points more on our inner motives. Reciprocity is not just the method which we can use, but it should be more as our attitude toward people. It is a gift which creates the mutuality between people. This mutuality to give and mutuality to receive should be on an equal level.interesting aspect is how this reciprocity is working between people and God. Through the biblical passages it is clear that the love of God is not motivated by people s own goodness. His love is unconditional. Therefore, it leads to the understanding that God s love is not based on mutuality, but it is unilateral. The love of God shows strongly the aspect of giving. McCarthy points out that such kind of love can justify altruism. It means just to love without any expectation of return.the light of these considerations, someone can ask, Is it possible to follow this example of God? Someone can answer strongly, We must follow it without any objections and exceptions! I have heard a lot of such answers. However, then in reality those people did not follow their own words of we must do it. It is so easy to say, but I think that it is much harder to do it in the context of relationships between people, because it seems hardly possible to talk about being friends with God and friends with fellow human beings in the same breath. McCarthy argues that the answer could be found if we look more carefully at the nature of the love of God and the love of people. These natures are incomparable. He makes very interesting association that these two types of love are like the love between a human being and an animal. The love of people always is connected with something. It can not be without any connections with some attractive objects. We love because of something.the contrary, the love of God has another nature. God is the subject of love. God s love is not moved by or attracted to an object of love, but is the source of its being. God is not moved by but is the cause of love s movement. God is not attracted by but makes attractive. It is a crucial point in the understanding of the concept of reciprocity. As it was said before, God is the subject of love. However, this subject is communion between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The aim of God s love is to make the possibility for people to be participants in that communion. Then, this open room gives us the possibility to share the love of God in a new way with other people.ourselves in the community of koinonia implies a daily fellowship. The faith communities should keep day-to-day connections between the people within it. It could be simply visiting, sending messages, or calling just to ask, How are you doing? It is really important point for strengthening friendship between each other. I have heard many times when people complained that no one was trying to ask them how they are doing when they missed worship services. Gish says that even missing of one meeting by one fellow member sho...