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Реферат Community formation as a key practice of the Ukrainian baptist communities

uld be a push for concern.the same time, Sunday worship services should be as just one of the opportunities to meet together as a community. It is not enough for deepening relationships. People can use different other activities for it. Here I would like to highlight three spheres. First of all, it is eating and drinking together. It was said a lot about this issue before. However, again I want to make a point that it should happen as often as possible. In the second place, Christians should assign time and space just for playing together. It brings the dimension of joy and happiness of being present with each other. In such sphere of activity we can reveal each other in a new way. This time spending together in playing can help to break down some walls between people. It could sound strange, but playing together also has an implication of healing relationships. Finally, in the third place, I want to focus on the process of working together. In this context people have an opportunity to learn how to live with each other, how to accept each other, and how to trust to each other. All these different activities give an opportunity for the faith communities to grow and develop.

1.3.2 Listening as a gesture of presenceDonghi defines listening as the fundamental activity of human beings. It is the form of communication. Therefore, listening to others is a crucial part of the sharing ourselves. It is an activity of those people who have a desire to communication with others. Thus, listening should a fundamental activity for Christian communities as wellmunities which are able and available to listen will be aware about things which are going within the community. Therefore, they could respond on the needs of people in the proper way by that ability to listen. In the community of koinonia people need to feel themselves free to tell others their story; and people should make sure that they will be listened and understood. To create such place is the role of the community. The community of fellowship should be a place of learning how to speak, and a place of learning how to listen. This ability and willingness of listening shows humility and readiness of a leader to acknowledge his or her mistakes and faults. However, there is quite often that the church leadership is not able to listen to the other members of community, and honestly do not want to do it. These leaders are afraid to listen, because they are afraid that it can bring some changes in their kingdom. Therefore, they try to put rules and regulations everywhere. However, I think that it is a huge weakness of such communities, because one of the foundations of healthy faith community is ability and willingness to listen.is a work process of learning how to listen. In my essay The True Meaning of Being on the Top of Pyramid of Leadership I defined it as the discipline of learning to listen. Therefore, I would like to define several requirements of listening. It is (1) time, (2) silence, (3) presence/attention, (4) trust/honesty, and (5) remembering.first requirement of listening is time. Everyone knows that time is so precious thing. Therefore, many people always are busy. They are trying to do a lot of things. However, in the same time, people quite often are hurt that no one gives then special attention or time to listen without any interruption. From my point of view, there is a problem. Many people want to be listened, but they do not want to listen to others. One Benedictine monk said, In a fast food culture, you have to remind yourself that some things can not be done quickly. The real listening takes time. It is a precious gift which we as Christians can give to people.next point of listening is silence. Every language contains with the words by which we can communicate with each other. Some people use them a lot, some not. However, not everything can be expressed through the words. I think that in the way of talking we often forget about another way of communication is silence. For some persons silence is quite scary thing, because they are afraid to be in silence. Still silence is an important requirement for a listener. It means to listen to other without interruption. This silent approach gives the opportunity to hear what other person tells us.the third place I put the requirement of presence or attention. The phrase Here I am is the key point of presence. It implies just to be present with other person. The foundation for this ability takes its roots in love. Vanier argues that the Christian community should a place of presence with others. So, what does it imply to be present to other people? First of all, it requires attentiveness. Attentiveness means that I focus on the other person and his or her experience ... This attentiveness to the other involves setting some things aside. I had an experience when I was talking with someone, and he looked as he is present ...

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