e, certainly, and purely out-of-class projects, especially, if children join any international project offered in networks. Such projects will always be organized round any interesting problem. If the offered problem is interesting to group of schoolboys or even for separate schoolboys, it is necessary to stimulate them to individual or group design activity during after-hour time. But also in this case it is impossible to release them in free swimming. Control and the necessary help should appear regularly. Otherwise, if the pupil doesn t see sincere interest of the teacher, parents in its activity, the enthusiasm quickly dies away. Affairs at our children and so suffices, and design activity is rather labor-consuming.projects, also organized round a certain problem are very interesting. It can be the international projects on ecology, geography, demographic projects, historical, creative, the avenue but if they international, means they should be spent in a foreign language. Anyway in design activity with native speakers the foreign language acts in the basic function - means of formation and a formulation of thought, dialogue means. And Dialogue occurs to carriers of other culture which language is studied by schoolboys. Hence, mastering by language naturally occurs on sociocultural a background. Children not only solve a problem in common, they get acquainted with national and cultural features of the countries-partners, learn weight of interesting things about each other which at times and did not guess. Also that is especially important and valuable, they learn to understand each other and to realize that fact that all of us we live on one planet what to divide to us there is nothing. Means it is necessary to learn to respect each other. Now design activity became the most popular kind of activity of schoolboys in networks. At the same time, as it often happens, when something becomes fashionable, the project calls anything you like. The teacher suggests collecting a material on native land - the project, to let out the newspaper - the project, to organize evening of English language - the project. If to address to semantics of a word, that, probably, they and are right. But from the pedagogical point of view, us ways, ways of achievement of the purposes of education and development interest. For this reason we have addressed in due time to a method of projects, understanding as it a set of methods, the operations directed on the decision of a certain research problem, it is a way of achievement of the didactic purpose through detailed working out problems (technology) which should come to the end with quite real, tangible practical result. It is possible to formulate the basic requirements to use of a method of projects in a foreign language course: [19]
. Presence significant in the research, creative plan of the problem demanding integrated knowledge, research search for its decision (for example, research of history of occurrence of celebrating of various holidays in the English-speaking countries)
. St. Patrick s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, Christmas, Mothers Day, etc; the organization of travel to the different countries, comparison of features of such organization for travel to our country and abroad; family problems; a problem of free time at youth; a problem of arrangement of the house; a problem of relations between generations; the problem of the organization of sports actions, is a lot of others);
. The practical, theoretical importance of prospective results (for example, the report in corresponding services about a demographic condition of the given region, the factors influencing this condition, the tendencies traced in development of the given problem; joint release of the newspaper, the almanac with reporting from a place of events; the program of a tourist route with all details, concerning features of a foreign trip; the plan of arrangement of the house, park, a site, a lay-out and apartment arrangement, avenue);
. Independent (individual, pair, group) activity of pupils at a lesson or during after-hour time.
. Structurization of a substantial part of the project (with instructions of stage-by-stage results and cast).
. Use of research methods: definition of the problem, research problems following from it, promotion of a hypothesis of their decision, discussion of methods of research, registration of the end results, the analysis of the received data, summarizing, updating, conclusions (use during joint research of a method of brainstorming raquo ;, a round table raquo ;, creative reports, project protection, avenue) .here can be defined both development cycles and project carrying out (its structure):
. The purposes of the project with definition of knowledge...