ney? .Once a week or more often .2-3 times a month .Once a month .Every 2-3 months .2-3 times a year .Once a year or less .Do not use
.Have you ever tried honey Medochok? .Yes. No (go to question 8)
5.Please tell us how Medochok would rate on the following attributes. 1 Not At All Descriptive 2 3 4 5 Very Descriptive High quality
A brand I can trust
Well built
A good value
. Which of the following best describes your need for honey Medochok? .I Really need this product because nothing else can solve this problem..This Is a minor improvement over what I currently use..Looks Okay but is about the same as what I'm using now..My Current product would serve me better..I Am not at all interested in this product.
.Overall, what is your reaction to the described product Medochok? .Poor .Fair .Good .Very Good .Excellent
.Did anyone influence your buying decision? .Yes .No (go to question 10)
. What exactly influences your decision and how? _______________________________________________________________
.Where do you mostly buy honey?.in supermarkets .stalls in the market .Special shops selling organic products .Your reply ___________
.Based on the product description, how interested would you be in buying honey if it were within your budget? Please check one..Not at all interested .Not very interested .Not sure .Somewhat interested .Extremely interested
.What other brands of Honey have you used? (Check all that apply) .Ukrainian Honey .Svit Medu..Bartnick .I Haven t used honey Medochok, but I m familiar with it..I Know nothing about honey Medochok
. Please select your gender: .female .male
.Enter your age category: .13-18 years .19-25 years .26-45 years .46-and over
. Enter your average monthly income: .1000 USD..1000-2000 USD..2001-3000 USD..3001 And more
16.In what part of Ukraine do you live?
Thank you for your cooperation!