ctures, express or implied, that define the forms and channels of access to top government positions, and characteristics of leaders that are considered for these structures relevant or irrelevant, using their resources and strategies to achieve the desired purpose "[5, p. 37]. Domestic science also has spread position (formulated Burlatskii F. and A. Galkin), whereby "to determine the political regime to comparing official, including constitutional and legal norms with the actual political life, proclaimed goals - with real politics. "Like the Western political sociology, F. and A. Galkin Burlatskii analysis modes associated not only with the discovery of behaviors but also the social nature of political power. Together, the same study mode requires, in their opinion, the answers to these questions: "Are groups of the ruling class are in the user state, which methods of domination and control preferred - direct, indirect or violent, democratic, that party or party coalition is the guiding force, allowed and to what extent the activities of institutions of social control and pressure, including the opposition, revolutionary parties, trade unions and other forms of associations of workers, provision of the individual in the state, etc. "[10, p. 482]. Classification of political regimes use the approach proposed by the French political scientist E. Shylzom which distinguishes between five types of regimes: political democracy (rather significant differentiation of functions and specialization structures); keepers Democracy (main goal is the democratization of political society, but the power is concentrated in the hands of bureaucratic state) upgraded oligarchy (implies the absence or existence of formal democratic institutions, all power belongs to the military or bureaucratic clicks, but the regime is trying to modernize the economy) totalitarian oligarchy (different from the previous high degree of state influence on society, a strong concentration of power, intense mobilization of members society to participate in the economic life), the traditional oligarchy (dynastic or family profiles that negative attitude to any changes and tend to keep the existing system). approach to the typology of political regimes proposed by A. Leyphart, based on the ratio type of electoral system and form of government, on which he identified four democratic regimes: presidential-majority (USA) parliamentary-majority (United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada); parliamentary-proportional (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy (until 1995), the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden); presidential-proportional (Latin America). to A. Leyphart, the highest rates of democracy (representation of women in senior government, voting, policies in support of families) and economic development (inflation, unemployment, economic growth) are found in countries with parliamentary-proportional mode, the lowest - when presidential- proportional mode. Howeve...