) the difference in how different languages?? organize signs into meaningful expressions. [26, p. 54].
alone shows that the main problem lies in the translation of the language semantics. This idea has received all-round development in the book «To translate the science.» The content of the reporting labor Eu. Nida is divided into three unequal parts. The first two chapters are devoted to formulation of the problem and a brief review of the history of translation of concepts in the «western world». In the next four chapters that are purely linguistic in nature, analyzes various aspects of the matter. And finally, the last six chapters are reserved indiscriminately proper translation problems, both theoretical and organizational. These issues are grouped under the heading: «The role of the translator», «Principles of conformity», «types of correspondences and differences», «Technology changes,» «The translation» and «Machine Translation». on semantics, the scope and content are central to the book. The linguistic approach to the content of the original text, which should be reproduced in the translation, it allows you to refine the concept and get a set of semantic components that can be compared to the original and in translation, and to draw conclusions about the degree of equivalence. Such components are considered by Eugene and found in each of the three types of values ??of linguistic units: linguistic, referential and emotional. [27, p. 125]. The specific nature of the translation on the study which it was based, on translation School Eu. Nida has played an important role in the overall formation of the linguistic theory of translation. It is anticipated the development of many branches of modern translation studies, especially research in semantics and pragmatics of translation. Of course the work of Eu.Nida andhis followers do not exhaust the contribution to the development of the US translators of translation science. American linguists published a number of other studies have not created such a large scientific school, but contain interesting data and concepts on certain aspects of translation. We have already mentioned some of the work from the collection «On Translation». Except it came out in the US a few collections of works of translation, of which the most famous was a collection edited by R. Brislina, which along with the American authors participated and well-known European translators Seleskovich D. and B. Vilss.
American translation studies in the 80-ies of XX centuryTranslation Studies 80s is characterized increasingly broad approach to translation issues. If in the previous period, many works were carried out in a kind of theoretical isolation, without taking into account the experience of other countries translators (primarily European), now translators US is increasingly based on the works of foreign authors (with the exception of works of Russian scientists tend to obscure the ocean) shall enter into a discussion with them, give an estimate of their theories. The most serious work of beginning this period can be considered the book S. Bassnett-Makgayr «Translation Studies». Main attention of the researcher is paid to problems of a literary translation. Considering a big complex of theoretical and practical problems of translation, the researcher widely uses works of other translators, agreeing with them or entering discussion. For example, after R. Yako...