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Реферат The history of development the science of translation in the countries of studied language

ith many philosophical and psychological works.a basis of the communicative approach to translation the theory of the communications lays. Characterizing this approach, Eu.Nida speaks that on progress of this approach dramatic effect was rendered with sociological works of Labov, Haimz and Gumnerc.Social semiotic approach concentrates the attention on social aspects of interoperability between various sign systems in actual certificates of the verbal communications . Already in antiquity the term » translation « is used in two values: for a designation of translation process and for a designation of result of translation, ie the text of translation.XX century the important seat in theoretical translation study borrows the analysis of the translation process, cogitative operations of the translator, its strategy and techniques. Such operations are inaccessible to direct supervision, indirect methods of studying of translational process therefore are developed the method of computer modelling, in particular, is used, as well as various psychological experiments are spent. The leading tendency of translation in the Europe and in the USA during all XX century became translation mastering, natural, semantic, ie translation should be read through » easily «, to make impression of original work, translation literal breaks reader» s « horizon of expectation ». American largest theorist of translation already mentioned above Eugene Albert Nida, follower Martin Luther, consistently proclaims a priority of content in relation to the form.huge impact on the development of linguistic theory of translation, not only in the US but around the world has had a distinguished American linguist Eu. Nida. Eugene Albert Nida was engaged in many languages, both classical and modern, has published a number of important works on the syntax and semantics. He became interested in the problems of translation because of its many years of activity in the American Bible Society where he served as Executive Secretary and scientific consultant of the Department of translations, which were created under the direction of translations of the Bible in 200 languages? ? and seventy-five countries. on the experience of the work of Eugene found written a number of books and articles, which dealt with many of the important aspects of the translation work. The most important role in the development of linguistic translation studies has played his book «To translate science», published in 1964. The book deals with the problems of the Bible, as well as a number of organizational issues related to the selection of the team of translators and consultants interpretation of «vague» places in the Bible, the special requirements for the piety of an interpreter, the need for him to receive «divine blessing» of his work, etc. However, most of the book contains a review of the fundamental aspects of the theory of translation, far beyond the specifics of the Bible.work of Eu. Nida-this is the first serious attempt to develop a proper linguistic approach to translation issues. Back in 1959, in the article «Principles of translation as an example of the Bible» Eu.Nida clearly postulated that the bases of the translation are the main characteristics of language systems, namely:

) the systematic linguistic signs

) the arbitrariness of the sign in relation to the called subject,

) the arbitrary division of reality language and speech marks,

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