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Реферат Судноводіння на рівні управління

uria. It surmounts the summit of Punta del Romito, a headland, which 91m high, steep, and wooded. Punta Fortulino, located 2.5 miles SE of Punta del Romito, can be identified by a reddish-colored building which stands amid the trees.

.38 Punta Castiglioncello (43 ° 24 «N., 10 ° 24» E.) is the extremity of a rocky promontory which rises to a summit, 50m high, close inland, and is covered with thick vegetation. A massive battlement tower stands near the summit of the promontory and several villas and houses are situated on its slopes. Villa Patrone, a conspicuous battlement structure, stands 0.2 mile E of the tower.

.38 Rosignano Marittimo stands 3 miles E of Punta Castiglioncello. This small town can be easily recognized by the belfry of a church and a castle which are situated at its S end. Rosignano Solvay, another small town, extends along the coast to the SE of Punta Castiglioncello. It can be recognized by several large industrial plants, with tall chimneys, standing at the S end.

.38 Caution.Several outfall pipelines extend up to 1.5 miles seaward from points along this stretch of the coast. (43 ° 21 «N., 10 ° 27» E.) (World Port Index No . 39610), small port, lies 13 miles SE of Livorno. The town is built around a church, with a slender and prominent spire, and is clearly visible from seaward. A short pier fronts the town and is protected from the N by a breakwater which lies parallel to it. The pier is also protected from the S by a curved breakwater. Another pier, 1 mile long, extends W and WNW from the root of the N breakwater. A berth at this pier can accommodate LPG vessels up to 30,000 tons and 11m draft. Pilots are available from Livorno. The pilot boards vessels about 0.5 mile SW of the pier during daylight hours only. Anchorage is ailable ENE of Secche di Vada, in about 16m.

.39 Secche di Vada (43 ° 19 «N., 10 ° 22» E.), a rocky shoal, lies about 4.5 miles WSW of Vada. It has a least depth of 2m and lies in the vicinity of a bank which fronts the coast and has depths of less than 11m. Secche di Vada Light is shown from a prominent tower, 18m high, standing on the shoal.

.39 Vessels can obtain anchorage, in a depth of 16m, sand and weed, about 1 mile NE of the light or in a depth of 13m, mud and weed, about 1.7 miles ENE of the light .

.39 Fiume Cecina enters the sea 3 miles SE of Vada. Cecina, a small town, is situated 1.5 miles upstream and is partly hidden by trees. Its reddish-brown belfry, which has a clock, can be distinguished from seaward. Marina di Cecina, a village, stands close S of the river mouth. Forte di Cecina, a prominent building, stands in its NW part and resembles a row of houses, Forte di Bibbona, a low and reddish-colored building, stands on the shore, 4 miles SSE of Marina di Cecina. It can be recognized from as far as 5 miles offshore. A modern five-story building stands 1 mile N of this fort. The village of Bibbona is situated 3.5 miles ENE of the fort and appears as a wide and light-colored patch on the slopes of the coastal hills.

.39 Forte di Castagneto is situated 4 miles S of Forte di Bibbona and is similar in appearance. However, this fort may be distinguished by the village of Marina di Castagneto Carducci and the white building of the marine colony which stands close N of it. Torre D...

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