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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Сочинения » How to be happy in your family life

Реферат How to be happy in your family life

autions: for example don't walk down a street and stare at somebody, don't walk home alone and go down unlit alleys, dark alleys at night. But in Barnaul practically all street illuminate and in the whole our city is not a particularly dangerous city. In Barnaul there are many people and tourists. You must get to be really careful in crowd because there are a lot of pickpockets and they can steal something and run away. I think it's stupid to try and be a hero. I mean you could get very badly hurt and all they want is just money. But in our city there are many police and they watch over the safety of the inhabitants. Tourists are easy targets. They stand out in a crowd, thieves know they're probably carrying money and documents around and they don't speak the language, and they're vulnerable. You must always remember that in every city there are certain areas you don't go into.

A conversation is communication between two or more people. It is the informal exchange of ideas, information, thoughts and opinions. For a successful conversation, the partners must be able to take an active part. The conversation flows, when both partners are on the same wavelength. I really like it when my partner wants to keep the conversation going and doesn't hunt around for things to say. And it's pleasant when my partner shares my joke or my ideas or something like that. I think a good conversation must be animated, riveting, meaningful and hilarious. The conversation is frustrating, when a partner doesn't like to be able to take an active part. I really hate it when someone drones on and on in a conversation and responds with monosyllabic answers. I really can't stand it when my partner doesn't want to work to keep the conversation going, that's why he hunts around for things to say. It's really unpleasant when someone butts in when you're in the middle of a thought. A good conversationalist is a person who doesn't butt in when you're in the middle of a thought. He has a sense of humour about things and has got a point that they want to put across during the conversation. A good conversationalist gives you a chance to speak at all.

All people have many wishes and dream that all wishes come true. According to superstition there are lots of occasions when you can make a wish. When you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake, or if you can catch a felling leaf in autumn. But remember, never tell anyone what you wished for. Another tradition associated with wishes is that of the wishing well or fountain, often found in the main square of a small town. If you throw a coin into it you can make a wish. And of course many traditional fairy tales are built around a mystical figure who can grant three wishes, such as the fairy godmother in Cinderella or the Genie in the Lamp.

In our life there are many superstitions and each person is superstitious. I am interested about superstitions, where they came from. We distinguish good and bad superstitions. There are international superstitions and superstitions which exist only a certain cultures. In each culture there are superstitions about: a breaking a mirror, thirteen, the bride's dress, the evil eye and touching wood. A breaking a mirror comes from the belief in ancient times. If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck. A thirteen is unlucky can be traced back to a Scandinavian myth. There were originally only twelve gods and then along came the god Loki to make thirteen. She brought suffering to people. People avoid planning important events on Friday 13 th . The evil eye came from Mediterranean countries. This superstition refers to the fact that if you say something good about someone, you might bring them bad luck. Touching wood is in many Christian countries. В«Touch wood В»is a superstitious expression that is supposed to prevent bad luck. Often people actually touch wood as they say it, and if there is nothing made of wood within reach. Italians think you're lucky to hear a cat sneezing. If an Italian sees a nun he will seek to touch a metal so that the luck doesn't leave him. Every typical Greek house has a cactus growing near its door it saves from troubles. In UK it is believed that you would be lucky if you meet a black cat. br/>

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