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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations

Реферат Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations

l social relations - political, legal, moral, etc. - Appear at the material social relations and are designed as add-on them, previously passed through the mind of people.relations are not directly determine policy, and through social, first class, relations. Social relations are the closest to the political, because politics is primarily their purpose the coordination of social interests. Political relations, in turn, are crucial to social and cultural - ideological, moral and so on. Economic - social - political - social and cultural relations - in that order they are defined in the Marxist interpretation. However, Marxism recognizes and reverse the impact of public relations, which, however, is not determinative, and the close relationship all their varieties. 'S opponents deny this dependence of public relations and emphasize the special role of political and moral relations. M. Weber, for example, in work "The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism" (1905) I brought the characteristic features of capitalist production relations of the features of the Protestant ethic.interpretation of social relations is the interaction, in particular, that underlines the special and decisive role of economic relations. Is evident, for example, the dependence of democracy on the level of society in economic development. Representatives of the so-called developmentalistskoho (from France. Developpement, Eng. Development - development) directly believe that underdeveloped economy objectively determines the centralization of power, strengthening authoritarian tendencies, while economic growth contributes to pluralistic democracy.if the negative attitude towards Marxism should recognize that the relationship of means of production, which are crucial in the economic relations are the basis of division of society into classes, and class division, in turn, has considerable influence on policy. Thus, the absolute majority of the capitalist countries is the main political opposition between bourgeois and workers 'parties. Requirements of the appropriate types of services to meet the ideology of [2, 168-169]. br/>

. How political sphere to other spheres of society

But class is not always a factor in determining policy. A great role it can play the ethnic, demographic, occupational, regional, religious and other factors of policy - is the interaction of many different factors. While depending on the economy, which created the material means to implement government policy makes a significant reverse effect on her. And if the impact on economic policy to some extent mediated social relations, the reverse impact of policy on the economy is the direct [3]. p align="justify"> Ideally, policies on the economy should be based on the conscious use of economic laws of social development. In this case, it promotes economic progress. However, the policy can be made and contrary to such laws as a r...

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