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Реферат "The golden age" of Elizabeth I

Ministry of Education of the Russian FederationState UniversityLinguistics and Translation Faculty

"The golden age" of Elizabeth I

Done by: year student LIE-202 groupMaria: Svetlana Sergeevna


Elizabeth I was Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603, the last of the Tudor monarchs. She never married and consciously styled herself as the Virgin Queen, wedded to the nation, and ruled over England during its "Golden Age". She remains one of the world s most famous and most highly regarded monarchs.

Elizabeth's reign is known as the Elizabethan era, famous above all for the flourishing of English drama, led by playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, and for the seafaring prowess of English adventurers such as Sir Francis Drake. Some historians are more reserved in their assessment. They depict Elizabeth as a short-tempered, sometimes indecisive ruler, [4] who enjoyed more than her share of luck. Towards the end of her reign, a series of economic and military problems weakened her popularity. Elizabeth is acknowledged as a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor, in an age when government was ramshackle and limited and when monarchs in neighboring countries faced internal problems that jeopardized their thrones. br/>

1. Childhood of Elizabeth I

Elizabeth was born on September 7th 1533, the second daughter of King Henry VIII. Elizabeth was something of a disappointment for Henry, who had been hoping for a son to succeed him. Elizabeth was two when her mother, Anne Boleyn, fell from grace and was executed for treason and adultery; the marriage was declared invalid and Elizabeth declared illegitimate. Reports suggest the young girl noticed changing attitudes towards her. However, after Henry fathered a son Elizabeth was brought back into the line of succession, third behind Edward VI and Mary. She received an excellent education, proving very good at languages. br/>

2. A Focal Point for Discontent

Elizabeth s position became very difficult under the rule of her siblings. She was first involved, without her knowing, in a plot by Thomas Seymour against Edward VI, and was questioned thoroughly; she remained composed and lived, but Seymour was executed. The situation worsened under the Catholic Mary I, with Elizabeth becoming the focal point for Protestant rebellions. At one point Elizabeth was locked up in the Tower of London, but remained calm throughout. With no evidence found against her, and Queen Mary s husband viewing her as an asset for politica...

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