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Реферат Technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

justify"> objectives : process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process.from this, the hypothesis of the given research can be formulated as follows:

. Teaching a foreign language should be complex (parallel) with an insignificant oral advancing;

2. Teaching should be directed on formation of steady interest to a subject;

During the work the following methods of research were applied:

The analysis of the scientific literature on a theme of course work; analysis of programs and textbooks on the English language of various authors and for various types of schools both domestic, and foreign; analysis of experimental training on the basis of experience of the teachers using innovative techniques, results of supervision.

The structure of this course work consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the first chapter" The bases of teaching a foreign language different bases and principles of teaching are considered. Analyzing publications on a problem of research in the second chapter of theoretical part the most effective methods and ways of teaching are suggested. The basic part of work is a practical part with exposition of experience of teachers - innovators. In it rod directions of technique of teaching different age - groups are proved and the analysis of the given approaches is resulted, including a number of methods and the receptions, raising quality of teaching a foreign language.

The bibliography contains the most known and important researches for the given work of teachers-innovators and scientists: psychologists, didactics, and methodologists.

The appendix includes some exercises that for any reasons has not come in the basic part of course work

Chapter I. Theoretical aspect of technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second

1.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language

In the given theoretical part of work it is necessary to pay attention on those basic statements in which the most essential parts of activity are reflected and generalized. That means the methodical principles underlying teaching.of teaching are understood as starting statements which determine the purposes, the contents, methods and the organization of teaching and are shown in interrelation and interconditionality. In our case principles are used to define strategy and tactics of teaching English language at all stages practically in each point of educational process.far as the result of teaching of pupils foreign language is formation their skills of using language as means of intercourse, the leading principle is the principle of a communicative orientation.main function is in creation of all conditions of communications: motives, purposes and problems of intercourse. The communicative orientation defines selection and the organization of language material, its situational conditionality, communicative value both speech and training exercises, communicative formulation of educational problems, organization and structure of the lesson. This principle assumes creation of conditions for speaking and intellectual activity of ...

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