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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The significance of English in today's world

Реферат The significance of English in today's world

, Ireland, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and some countries in South Africa. Let's note that in three of these countries English is not the only official language. A small part of Irish, for instance, uses the Irish language, for the third of Canadians official language is French, and in South Africa English is official for several million, but not for the majority of inhabitants. English is also an official language in the small states of the Caribbean region which arose on the place of former British colonial possession (Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, the Bahamas). Territorial dispersion of the English-speaking countries led to emergence of different variants of English from which British, American and Australian are especially distinguished. Distinctions in pronunciation, especially vowel sounds are most of all noticeable. There are certain distinctions in the value and use of some words and expressions, in details of spelling. Distinctions in grammar are insignificant. Any of these variants can t be defined as a model for all English-speaking community, so when studying the language one decides for oneself what variant to choose.

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About 30 states in Asia and Africa, having become independent as a result of disintegration of the British Empire, kept from colonial times English as official. They wanted to replace it in this function by national languages ??of their people but it appeared difficult, and sometimes impossible. Among these states, in particular, are India, Pakistan, Singapore in Asia, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe in Africa. Total number of the population of such countries exceeds one and a half billion. English is used here in certain spheres - in political life, in public administration, in army, at school, and also for communication between different nationalities. On the whole, the percentage of people who speak English here is very low and therefore it s hardly necessary to rank these countries as English-speaking.last, there is also the lowest level of use of English to which it is possible to refer the countries where by the developed tradition or for some other reasons English is the most preferable, and sometimes the only foreign language studied at school. They are, mainly, the countries of Latin America, Western Europe and Far East. To define the number of people who know English there is impossible. Obviously, Russia also belongs to these countries.in Russia have become significant only since 1985. Before the revolution English was little studied among the Russian aristocrats. It wasn «t considered as elite as French. English began to develop in Russia only since the end of the 19th eyelid. It was connected with a foreign capital formation from Great Britain. But at that time its importance was still limited to the teachers qualification and the desire of pupils. And only since 1985 (the beginning of Gorbachev reorganization) interest to studying of English began to increase sharply. It was caused by many socio-political factors: the elimination of »Iron Curtain« and opened possibility of trips and communication with the foreign-language population of the planet, emergence and rapid growth of joint enterprises, unwillingness of the former Soviet republics to communicate in Russian, a fast computerization of the country and development of the Internet before not ...

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