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Реферат Adverbial Modifier

1. Adverbial Modifier as a Part of the Sentence

parts of the sentence are equally common in English and Ukrainian. They are used in order to modify, characterize or expand the circumstances of the action, process, event or state in terms of entities such as time, place, manner, degree, intensity, reason etc. The syntactic process of adding adverbials to basic sentence and phrase structure is called verb modification .Ukrainian linguist AK Korsakov distinguished adverbial complements (which can not be omitted from the sentence without breaking its sense) and adverbial modifier (that brings additional information, explaining some other parts of the sentence, and can be omitted from the sentence) .often adverbial modifier is realized by adverbs and adverbial phrases, but it can be realized by a wide range of other syntactic elements.Ukrainian linguist IV Korunets came to a conclusion that in the contrasted languages ??adverbial complements/modifiers may be obligatory or non-obligatory, ie optional.adverbials are required by the sentence structure to complete its content. There are some common groups of verbs in the contrasted languages ??after which the use of adverbials is obligatory. They are: a) statal and durative verbs ( to dwell, to live, to wait etc.); b) verbs implying direction ( to take, to put, to send ); c) verbs of motion and position in space ( to arrive, to come, to go, to return, to sit, to stand , etc.); d) verbs such as to act/to behave, to be, to cost, to treat . (non-obligatory) adverbials in both languages ??are not required by the predicate verb. Hence, they are not so important either for the structural completion of the sentence, or for its semantic completion and communicative functioning.modifiers in the contrasted languages ??refer either to a part of the sentence (usually predicate verb, attribute adjective) or to the sentence as a whole.is worth to mention that in Ukrainian adverbial modifiers are not attached to any particular position in a sentence. Whereas in English adverbial modifiers have their certain position in a sentence.

. Types of Adverbial Modifiers

Adverbial modifiers indicate how, when, why or where etc. the activity or situation expressed by the main verb took place. Hence, both contractive languages ??have adverbial modifiers of: place, time, manner, measure and degree, reason, purpose, result, condition, concession. Besides in English there is one more type - adverbial modifier of attending circumstances.

The Adverbial Modifier of Place may express the following in the contrasted languages: a) place proper; b) direction or destination; c) distance.Paul point-blank refused to go up there . (L. Moriarty). Джон-Пол навідріз відмовлявся йти туди наверх .

He took off the hat and walked shakily toward Gryffindor table . (Rowling J.K.). ВІН зняв капелюха та невпевнено покрокував у напрямку столу Гріффіндор .

Jude leaped out of arm's length ... (T. Hardy). Джуд відскочіла на відстань вітягнутої руки .

The Adverbial Modifier of Time in both languages ??expresses time proper, as well as frequency, duration or time relation of an event/action. It may be expressed with the help of :) adverbs of time and frequency ( now, then, often, tonight etc); b) non-prepositional and prepositional phrases like any day, last week, early in the morning, in September, at 5 o'clock ; с) participles/participle phrases, whose Ukrainian equivalents are either temporal clauses or diyepryslivnyks.

Since then she'd been engaged ... (A. Christie). З того годині вона булу заручитися.

You should make effort to go out more often . (L. Moriarty). Тобі Варто віходити в світ Частіше .

Felicity stayed for dinner last Friday night . (L. Moriarty). Фелісіті залиша на вечерю Минулої п'ятниці.

Reaching Snape , she crouched down and pulled out her wand. (Rowling JK . ) Підійшовші до Снейпа/Колі вона підійшла до Снейпа , вона прісіла на вітягла Чарівну Палички.

The Adverbial Modifier of Manner in the contrasted languages ??...

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