ign="justify"> The turn В«there isВ», В«there areВ» too represents known difficulties while translating, and offers with this turn demand reorganization. For example:
S.T. - And there is the famous lime-tree in front of the City-Hall supported by stone pillars.
T.T. - І перед ратушею стоїть знаменита стара липа з кам'яними підпорами. p align="justify"> The design with entering В«thereВ» informs something new on a subject or the phenomenon, about its presence silt absence, therefore and possibility of its transfer by a simple predicate depending on a context is not excluded. For example:
S.T. - There was Penelope flying after me like mad. (W. Collins, The Moonstone)
T.T. - Я обернувся і побачив Пенелопу, яка літала за мною, як божевільна ...
While translating the offers beginning with this turn, on the first place the adverbial modifier of place or time either is put, and the predicate falls, or is replaced with a simple predicate.
S.T. - There were differing views yesterday about the procedure which will rule today s discussion.
T.T. - Вчора висловлювалися різні точки зору щодо процедури, під знаком якої буде проходити сьогоднішнє обговорення питання. p align="justify"> The special kind of a predicate in English language represents so-called В«a group-verb predicateВ». The predicate of this type is formed of combinations of the most common verbs (to have, to take, to give, to get, etc.) With a noun. It is necessary to notice, that the nouns, which are a part of such predicate, are often formed by conversion. For example:
S.T. - He had a wash and a smoke.
T.T. - Він умився і закурив. p align="justify"> S.T. - He gave the coat a brush and a shake.
T.T. - Він почистив пальто щіткою і струснув його. p align="justify"> S.T. - He took the bellrope in his hand and gave it a brisk tug.
T.T. - Схопивши шнурок дзвінка, він різко його смикнув. p align="justify"> The predicate of this type is usually translated into Russian by a simple predicate, but sometimes it is necessary to enter an additional word: викурив цигарку, почистив щіткою etc. This word transfers value of a nominal part of a group predicate., It is necessary to stop on transfer of so-called attributive groups which are so typical for modern English language.attributive group is the definition consisting of several elements, for example, from nouns in the general case and adjectives, sometimes from the whole phraseological unity or even the whole offer.formation of definitions is prominent feature of modern English language, as well as a word formation by conversion. Both that and another often has not constant character, ...