and is the use or word formation on the given case.attributive groups, which are phraseolog ical unities, meet both in fiction, and in oral literary speech:
S.T. - A happy-go-lucky fellow
T.T. - Бесшaбашний хлопець
S.T. - He greeted him in his usual hail-fellow-well-met manner.
T.T. - Він вітав його, як звичайно, по-дружньому, з властивою йому товариськістю. p align="justify"> S.T. - В«I ... never cared for your set-the-Thames-afire gentlemen, who are so much more clever than their neighbours.В» (WM Thackeray, The Virginians)
T.T. - В«Мені ... ніколи не подобалися всі ці наші панове, які хочуть здивувати світ і вважають себе розумнішими за своїх ближніхВ». p align="justify"> S.T. - A handful of dates and a cup of coffee habit. (John Galsworthy, Flowering Wilderness)
T.T. - Звичка харчуватися жменькою фініків і чашкою кави. p align="justify"> In spite of the fact that phraseological epithets often consist of many words, they are compressed and compact and while translating introduction of additional words, as in last example often demand: В«звичка харчуватисяВ».
to replacements, additions adequate translation also is possible. The statement about impossibility of translation in general which was done {made} by many large philologists - idealists therefore is incorrect. Perfectly asserting {approving}, that the work of art always has strongly pronounced national character and that each language possesses original means of expressiveness inherent only in it {him}, they drew from this a wrong conclusion on impossibility of translation in general. Such point of view large German philosophers - linguists - adhered to GV Lejbnits, V. Humboldt, A. Shlegel, being founders of the so-called theory of necessary to agree with position of these scientists about an originality of each language and national character of fiction. About it spoke Жуковський and Pushkin, Belinsky and Fet both many other writers and translators. Belinsky wrote in this occasion, that В«if Pushkin has undertaken to translate Гете, we and from him {it} have demanded, that it {he} has shown us Гете, instead ofВ». Pushkin, quite dividing {sharing} this point of view, wrote: В»from translators began to demand more fidelity ... Have wished to see Данте, Shakespeare and Сервантеса in their own kind, in their national clothes ...В». Writers realized a national originality of each language. But as against supporters of the theory of untranslation, they drew from this a correct conclusion, considering, that original features of any language cannot serve as an obstacle for has denied the theory of untranslation. It is enough to recollect fine translations - both in Russian, and in ...