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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

Реферат Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

ify"> (4) It calls upon the authorities to take < i align = "justify"> all necessary measures to protect media freedom and pluralism in Ukraine and to refrain from any attempts to control, directly or indirectly, the content of the reporting in the national media [16] - the use of the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction.choice of grammatical structures in the texts of CoE resolutions and recommendations is determined by their communicative intention. Therefore, the texts of CoE administrative documents as well as the texts of international agreements are characterized by the neutralization of meaning of the Present Indefinite and the Present Perfect forms in the predicate of the preamble and the preference to use the Present Indefinite Tense and modal verbs should, would in the central clauses, which determines the reference of the text to the denotative future [7, p. 44], e.g.:

(5) Funds should be allocated to research, monitoring and evaluation [17]. - Держави повінні віділяті кошти на Дослідження, моніторинг та оцінку [15]. central clauses one can also observe a specific syntactic organization of the texts of CoE documents expressed in the dominance of the compound nominal predicate over the simple verbal predicate [2, p. 9]., The structural analysis shows that the composition of the text of CoE document (the division into structural parts: the preamble, the main part and the concluding part, parts and paragraphs) corresponds to the pragmatics of the text of CoE document and makes for its successful functioning as a complex of the international law provisions.

2.2 The language of the Council of Europe official documents: lexical and semantic peculiarities

The choice and functioning of language means in the texts of CoE resolutions and recommendations is determined by their communicative intention. The main functions of these documents are advisory and regulatory. They are aimed at imposing obligations and recommending what measures should be taken by a member state to meet CoE standards and principles. Owing to their nature and communicative purposes CoE administrative documents are to be precise and all-inclusive. These characteristics make their language close to the language of international binding documents (agreements, treaties, statutes, charters etc.). Word-stock of CoE official documents consists of learned and neutral words which correlate with the terminological and special vocabulary. Precision, clarity and unambiguity are the most essent...

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