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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

Реферат Structural and semantic peculiarities of the texts of the council of Europe official documents and their translation into ukrainian

sentences. In the opening clauses the parties of the document are named, eg: " The Committee of Ministers , under the terms of Article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe ... " [17]. The central clauses emphasize the importance of adoption of the document and name other international documents that provide grounds for its legitimacy. The closing sentences indicate the end of the preamble and are of great structural and semantic importance as they link together the structural parts of the text [5, p. 9]. For example, in the CM Recommendation the closing sentence of the preamble is "Recommends that ..." [17]. Of introductory words is the specific feature of preamble. O.Zaruma-Pans kykh classifies these words into three groups: a) words denoting the importance of adoption of the document, such as noting, recognizing considering, realizing, emphasizing etc.; b) markers indicating links with international law and references to the existing international documents, such as bearing in mind, (re) affirming, guided, recalling, inspired, reiterating, observing etc.; c) lexemes indicating that the parties are ready to pursue the objectives of the document, such as desiring, ((being) deeply) concerned, alarmed, (being) resolved, convinced, prompted, determined etc. Introductory words provide for cohesion of the text of the preamble [5, p. 10]. In the preamble to the CM Recommendation the following introductory words are used: considering, recalling (5), taking into account (2), bearing in mind (2), referring to (2), stressing , being aware of, recognising, noting [17]., the preamble is characterized by an invariable structure: it is a complex sentence (with an average length of 214 words), introduced by a subject phrase followed by a number of parallel infinitive or participial constructions, each of which begins with an introductory word and forms a paragraph [5, p. 10]. Central clauses of the cm recommendation are divided into parts and paragraphs, the text of the PACE resolution consists of paragraphs. Long compound and complex sentences dominate in this part of CoE administrative documents. The impersonal sentences, infinitive and participial constructions are also widely used there.

(3) Organisations of parents and NGOs representing them should be included in the development of community-based services and their expertise should be used throughout the process of transition [17] - a compound sentence.

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