ted names cannot correspond with a neutral gender, in English language there is a whole class of the nouns designating animals, birds and other beings which corresponds with a common gender and has a pronoun < u> it . However and in Russian not sexr, and таксономічні relations, thus appears a leading sign of a nomination and they are reflected by a gender category inconsistently. Besides, the opposition initially based on distinction of two sexrs, not бінарна in language: there are words of a neutral gender which can name live beings (the child, animal, an insect). On convention of a grammatical gender the irregularity of display of all properties inherent in this category is imposed.gender as actually grammatical category acting in the purest kind in Russian, in modern English language is absent; the gender as a lexical and grammatical category also has appeared partially lost English language in the course of its historical development. In this connection in modern English language, especially the great value gets a gender natural, that is prospective conformity between comes as a language category and natural or biological division on a sex. However the formal nature of a parity between natural and a grammatical gender cannot be absolutely unequivocal as [Timpko, 1970:2], for example, if to take only the isolated words as offers all of them will concern both to musculine, and a feminine gender, and, hence, a grammatical gender will be irrelevant. This remark opens syntagmatic character of a grammatical gender, its essential dependence on a context.appointment of a category in genders English language is expression of semantic and lexical relations. Hence, at the present stage of development of language in most general view it is possible to speak about a lexico-semantic category of gender though now almost all authors converge that only is obviously not enough semantic criteria for understanding of the difficult nature of a grammatical gender and it is necessary to use all linguistic facts concerning this category.the great value in modern English language is got by a gender category as a category syntactic, that is as the linguistic category expressing dependence of one words in speech from others [Timpko, 1970:3]. review of the works devoted to a grammatical gender in English language, allows to notice that traditional allocation of a category of a gender is connected with consideration of two phenomena: expressions of distinctions of a sex and pronominal-substantive correlation - in a role of classifying bases of division of nouns on certain groups which by tradition are called as patrimonial.the most widespread variant of classification of biologically caused type (on the basis of a sex with use of the factor of pronominal-substantive correlation) definition of a patrimonial accessory under instructions on a sex quite often disperses from definition of a gender of a n...