ify"> Sonnet on Chillon
Sonnet on Chillon differs from The Prisoner of Chillon in style and mood. This difference is not striking, as both of the poetic works have the same author, but author `s voice sounds a bit differently in the poem and the sonnet. At first, one should take into account, that Sonnet on Chillon was written as an afterthought to the poem, when G. Byron got to know the tragic details of Bonivar `s fate, and grew to admire this man. The horror of Bonivar `s destiny, admiration wh ich G. Byron felt towards him, and ardous protest against barred windows are primary for sonnet. The first lines of poet `s address to Liberty define the whole verse: it is a call to something innate and sacred in human Mind, praise to those, who wear chains as its mark, and condemnation to all, who dared an infringe on it . These style-creating factors define the style-creating means of the poem, and to translate them properly is a challenge not every translator can meet .. Hrabovs `kyi` s style was discussed in a previous section; however, as a translator of the Sonnet on Chillon P. Hrabovs `kyi is even closer spiritually to G. Byron, than P. Hrabovs `kyi - translator of The Prisoner of Chillon . The previously discussed drawbacks of P. Hrabovs `kyi` s style, such as overuse of diminutive suffixes, ellipses, an such, disappear, when the translator fiery and passionately speaks of Freedom, which was similar in his own poetic works. P. Hrabovs `kyi, though, eliminates the form of sonnet. Nevertheless, his foresong , for he did not call his rendering of Sonnet on Chillon a translation, is a fine example of usage of different translation methods, which will be discussed furtheron .. Mysyk, as other translators of the Sonnet on Chillon : P. Hrabovs `kyi and D. Pavlychko, was both, a poet and a translator. His translation preserves the form of sonnet, though introduced a different division to it. V. Mysyk `s has some examples of fine and successful translation findings, which will be discussed later at the corresponding level. Among the drawbacks of his translation one may name the irregular use of vocative case, which is used for the address to Liberty, but omitted in the first line and in addressing Chillon .. Zorivchak names the D. Pavlychko `s rendering of the sonnet a transfusion [10: 13], as D. Pavlychko, a poet himself, tends to omit images, and even whole lines of the source ...