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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

le of this interaction is one of the least understood aspects of teaching, though it is clearly crucial to the success of the learning environment.

· All teachers need specialized classroom competence and need training in this field. Foreign language teachers in particular require linguistic training aimed at the classroom situation, since they need to use the language being taught both as a goal of their teaching and as the prime medium of instruction and classroom management. Foreign language graduates are seldom prepared for the seemingly simple task of running a class in the L2.

· The classroom situation is a genuine social environment, which allows meaningful situational use of the language. This is real interaction.

Details: The course focuses on theoretical justifications and practical solutions: Why should we use English in class?

1. It helps the teacher to model the language and its use.

. It gives meaning to the language.

. It provides authentic learning situations.

. It provides familiarity with common phrases.

. Students can use the language in real situations.

. Students gain confidence and motivation through successful communication.

7. Students learn the language by using the language.

8. It allows learners to control and evaluate their own successes.

9. It allows learners to respect the learning styles of other learners.

. It encourages learners to learn from their peers.

11. It helps learners control the learning environment.

12. It encourages pair-and group-work.

13. It helps learner s access information and resources.will be many things to do, and many things to talk about. However, please remember that education is aimed at students, and the students are the most important people in this course and in every course. There will therefore be a continuous focus on learner training, self-assessment, goal setting, reflection and evaluation. This course is for you, and you will therefore be helping to make it and evaluate it!

.3 Communicative activities

«Communicative» is a word which has dominated discussions of teaching methodology for many years. Although in a monolingual English language classroom, «real communication» in English is impossible; in «communicative methodology» we try to be «more communicative». That is to say, even though it may be impossible to achieve «real communication», we should attempt to get closer to «real communication» in our classrooms.does it mean? methodology includes a number of different (and perhaps interconnecting) principles.

1. The primary aim of foreign language learning is communication with users of the foreign language.

2. Students study the foreign language as a system of communication.

. Students learn and practice the foreign language through «communicative activities». As primary aimthe past the «primary aim» of language learning seemed to be mastery of the grammatical system. The only practical task wa...

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