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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

? That «s good. A birthday party?: Yes, my friend »s birthday party.: OK, tell us what happened there. What did you do at the party?

(and so on)

The teacher can get students to talk and ask questions.

T: OK. Peter went to a party yesterday. Ask him some questions about it.do you want to know?: How did you go to the party?: Were there many people there?: What did you eat? (And so on) English to chat with students in this way creates not only an opportunity for real language practice but also an English atmosphere in the class. More importantly, it establishes contact with the class and helps students to feel relaxed and ready to learn.the class, a teacher has to say many things to organize the lesson, such as starting or stopping an activity, getting students to do or not to do things, etc. Much of this consists of simple commands and instructions, which are repeated lesson after lesson. Therefore, if the teacher says them in English, students will learn what they mean quickly. Following are some examples,

Stand up, please. Open / Close your book.

Sit down, please. Come here, please.

Repeat after me. Be quiet, please.

Listen carefully. Pay attention.

Who would like to clean the blackboard?

Could you please close the window?

Now practice the dialogue in pairs.

Raise your hand if you have any question.

Open your book and turn to page 72.

Using English in class is worthwhile if it can be done successfully and without too much difficulty. There are some occasions, however, when it is best to use the students own language. An explanation in English could be very confusing, especially when the word is unfamiliar to students. It would be better to give examples in English and then to give a translation of the word. An advantage of using students own language is that the situation or the lesson can be explained more quickly and easily, leaving more time for practice. As to using English in class, it provides useful listening practice and helps students by giving them some of the words they need. Most importantly, it is probably best to give explanations in clear and simple English, and repeat some parts in students own language to make the meanings clear.

· Teachers have been encouraged by the Ministry of Education to use English in the secondary EFL classroom as much as possible. However, classroom English is important for students as well as teachers. Students can learn how to use English in functional situations in class: eg asking the teacher for help; saying that they don't understand; asking for repetition; checking for comprehension; working with a partner; etc. This course investigates how teachers can use English in class, and how they can encourage their students to use English in class.


· It is easy to forget that classroom procedures have to be verbalized in the classroom, whatever the methodology. Instructions have to be given, groups have to be formed, time limits have to be set, questions have to be asked, answers have to be confirmed, discipline has to be maintained, etc. The ro...

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