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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

Реферат Cultural and linguistic features of the use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English and Ukrainian

es as: wish, height, happiness, beauty and intelligence. These signs of consolidation are fasten in such sustained, symbols and associations: the Blue bird (the blue bird of happiness), the Arabian bird (Phoenix), the bird of piece (the dove of peace); to do something like a bird; to sing like a bird (to sing like a lark); nightingales will nor sing in a cage, etc .. study of lexical-semantic meaning of the concept BIRD in English is based on the collection and idioms with a lexemebird.

. In the minds of speakers of English a state or feeling of freedom is associated with the bird: to get the bird or as free as a bird . In the Ukrainian language a man simply called an independent . There is no differences in the structure, too - < span align = "justify"> He is as free as a bird and «³н Вільний птахВ».

2. In English the phrase to do something like a bird means do something willingly . There is no a relevant phraseological in the Ukrainian language. In this sense the concept BIRD takes only positive meaning.

. An interesting example of two phraseological units but with completely opposite meanings: a bird in the bush ( something unreal ) and a bird in the hand ( something real ). These expressions can be seen in the English proverb: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and it is an equivalent to Ukrainian proverb: В«краще синиця в жмені, чем журавель у небіВ».

. To make a bird (of) means to hit the target. The Ukrainian version is more neutral. Lost animalistic element.

. An old bird is not caught with chaff . This example of folk wisdom says that a person is experienced in a given case or matter, or seen much in his life. Ukrainian is spoken: В«старий січВ» or В«стріляній/обстріляній птахВ».

. Another example of animalism in which this concept has an exclusively negative connotation: a little bird told me - В«сорока на хвості принеслаВ» or В«я...

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