к сорока на хвості розносітьВ». When animalistic element BIRD changes to the item СОРОКА an emotion and intensity of expression is not lost. When the concept BIRD is lost in Ukrainian version the expression has more vivid meaning.
. To indicate a person who eats a very small amount of food we use suchanimalism in the English language: to eat like a bird . Ukrainians compare it with the sparrow В«за Горобця", "з Горобина душуВ» that is a very small amount.
. When it is understood that two people have identical views, opinions, or his behavior we say birds of a feather flock together , it means В«одного гніздечка птиціВ» or В«одного поля ягодаВ». This estimation of Ukrainian and British coincides and has the same negative value.
. To indicate a hardworking person and a person who does not avoid work and rises early to do everything in time the English says: it is the early bird that catches the worm or an early bird . In the Ukrainian language there are also animalisms which are very similar to English: В«Ранній птахВ», В«з півняміВ».
. To kill two birds with one stone . This proverb tells us that people want to have and do everything in time but often left with nothing. The Ukrainian equivalent is В«убити одним пострілом двох зайцівВ». This wisdom clearly and successfully used the famous Ukrainian writer M. Staritsky in his play Chasing Two Hares .
. The expression on the bird shows that a material is approved for displaying on TV.
In addition to a lexeme BIRD in English idioms different species of birds animalisms are used. For example COCK always symbolizes aggressiveness, fight character, leadership, but at the same time impudence and conceit. p align="justify">. It is no secret that cock is a harbinger of a new day so with the expression "to sit till the second cock" - В«сідіті до ранкуВ» the British image and emphasize its importance. In this animalism COCK is positive.
2. That cock won't fight means this trick will not work. This phrase is used to show that to repeat the same cause in most cases - a bad one will fail. There is no equivalent in the Ukrainian language.