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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

egrated technology of the production process as a whole. For developing countries, as well as for Ukraine, in addition to purely technical perfection, no less and sometimes more important is the use of alternative infrastructure. Analysis of international experience points to the following principles of reform of infrastructure: - Organization of functioning infrastructure is not on administrative, and business principles, which increases its sensitivity to consumer demand; - The development of competition both directly through liberalization of access to activities that have no technological barriers, and indirectly through a competitive bidding for the exclusive right of service where there are other conditions of natural monopoly, and, finally, through liberalization of activities to provide alternative services; - Providing users and other interested parties an opportunity to express their preferences, it is necessary to ensure accountability to the users and suppliers of other interest groups; - Organization of public and private sectors in financing infrastructure projects. In conclusion, we note that, despite the fact that the trend will dominate: whether to create a separate service industry based on specific homogeneous functions, or merger subsidiary and main processes and acquiring the status equivalent to the technological process of production, management efficiency factor of the criterion of minimum costs performance of maintenance. Since the transformation process in this respect, incomplete, current study is the current system of institutional infrastructure and improving the experience of its adaptation to the market economic environment. p align="justify"> 3.2 Reproduction and development of enterprise infrastructure

Formation, restoration and development of industrial and infrastructure facilities are made in the capital building, which objectively consider the specific elements of infrastructure company. Capital construction - the process of creating new, reconstruction, expansion and technical upgrading of existing industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities or other primary businesses. The sphere of capital construction include: 1) construction of buildings and production facilities (social) purposes, 2) installation of industrial and non-production equipment and other means of work and social activities; 3) Project and research and other preparatory work associated with the con-rudzhennyam new and reconstruction of operating production facilities and social purposes; 4) major renewable and repairs of buildings and structures you and social purposes. Planning of capital construction objects of industrial and social purposes has certain features. The basis of planning of capital construction of production facilities of the calculations the introduction of production capacities, fixed assets and the estimated cost of construction (reconstruction, expansion) of the c...

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