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Реферат Specificity exchange market

proach to market research includes: the use of different, complementary sources of information, a combination of a retrospective analysis of the forecast indicators of the state of the market, the application of the aggregate of various methods of analysis and forecasting. Market analysis is based on an analysis of indicators of the production and delivery of goods in this group, the scope and structure of the retail sale of inventory in the warehouses of enterprises in wholesale and retail trade. In the study of market seeks to not only determine the state of the market at one time or another, but the predictions of the likely nature of its further development in at least one - two quarters, but not more than one and a half years. The results of the analysis of forecast indicators of market, coupled with the reports, and schedule data make it possible to advance the development of measures aimed at the development of positive developments, the elimination of existing and prevention of possible imbalances. By its nature, forecast of market conditions is short-term outlook. Specificity of it is that on the one hand, short-term predictions accuracy is increased as compared with the annual reduces this accuracy.in the study of market conditions: 1. At a certain period of time away from specific sources of information and the latest information on the entire market, namely, to identify all the competitors, to explore the range of products, examine pricing policies, identify persons for which your firm will produce and other indicators. 2. Systematize these indicators. 3. Set the power and magnitude of the impact of relevant conjuncture-forming factors and their interrelationship and interdependence, and the direction of action. 4. Identify Active interaction of these factors in the short term for the development of the forecast. This economic category has a number of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the most important of which is the supply of goods, customer demand, the price level, the proportionality of market volatility, cyclicality of the market and its trends, market risk, the level of competition. The distinctive features of market conditions are dynamic; proportionality; variability; cyclicality. , The conjunctural analysis should reflect these four characteristics. Accordingly nominated four conceptual problems conjunctural analysis:

. analysis of dynamic patterns and trends; 2. Proportionality of development; 3. Analysis of the stability of the market and its variability in the static and dynamic;

. frequency analysis of the market, the selection cycles. The spontaneity of the market, albeit limited to a certain extent in marketing, it is the main feature. She seemed to be embedded in the market mechanism. Changes in the basic parameters of the market for some time intervals occur with varying speed and intensity, which leads to short-term or longer-term disturbances in the proportion of the market process, a deviation from the main trend of development. And since the market is inherently prone to spontaneity, therefore, its parameters are subject to fluctuations as a random and constantly manifested (cyclical and seasonal), is very flexible in its development, responsive to the many socio-economic impacts, moreover, rather dependent the political and psychological influences, rumors, panic, etc. The scope and duration of these oscillations are ca...

Назад | сторінка 13 з 23 | Наступна сторінка

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