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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

d a Happy New Year! p align="justify"> Using the game as a form of learning, the teacher must be sure whether its use should determine the goal of the game in accordance with the objectives of the educational process. Educational games should be a system that presupposes a certain sequence, and their gradual complication. The participants should be provided with teaching materials, game assignments, instructions, training materials, etc. Using his work teaching the game, every teacher should be aware of these requirements. The teacher should constantly improve the learning process, allowing children to assimilate effectively and program material. It is therefore important to use the elements and game play in the classroom. Indeed, the use of games up for information overload and organize the mental and physical rest.you find the right approach, the training of a difficult and tedious necessity can become a fascinating journey into the world of unfamiliar language. One of these approaches is the game, the strongest factor in psychological adaptation of children in the new language space, which can solve the problem of the natural introduction of the child to the fascinating world of language. After all, just look in the happy eyes of their students that go to the tutorial to understand that you are on the right track and should go further, so as not to lost the joy in his eyes, and disappeared interested students to the subject.


Success depends on the use of games, primarily from the atmosphere necessary verbal communication, the teacher creates a classroom. Of course, foreign language lesson - it is not just a game. The credibility and ease of communication between a teacher and his disciples encountered by the general atmosphere of the game and the actual games, the guys have serious conversations, discussion of any real-world situations. Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions:

. The game promotes the development of cognitive activity of students with learning a foreign language. It carries considerable moral principle, for mastering a foreign language makes a joyful, creative and collective. p align="justify">. The use of games in the classroom allows you to create and develop students 'skills and ability to find the necessary information to convert it to develop its plans and decisions based on both the stereotypical, and in non-stereotypical situations. p align="justify">. The game delivers an emotional impact on students, activates the spare capacity of the individual. It facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, abilities and skills, contributes to their actualization. p align="justify">. The psychological impact of games shown in the intellectual growth of students. Pedagogically and psychologically judicious use of the lesson provides the requirements for the development of intellectual activity. A...

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