system of three-member opposition: masculine, feminine and neuter:
Masculine gender Feminine gender Neuter gender
The formal grammatical category of gender of inanimate nouns does not reflect biological characteristic (sex) of things. For example, the noun стіл does not denote sex, but it is a noun of masculine gender. p align="justify"> In the nouns denoting male and female living beings sex and gend er coincide:
син (male sex, masculine gender) дочка (female sex, feminine gender) кінь (male sex, masculine gender) курка (female sex, feminine gender) nouns denoting sex cause more interferences when English is spoken by Uzbeks, than by Russians. Uzbek students usually make mistakes when replacing them with the pronouns he or she. It is difficult for Uzbeks and Russians to express sex in English when the means of expressing it differ. br/>
.4 Zoonims as separate lexical units
Zoonims as separate lexical units and as components of steady expressions are widely presented in all languages ​​of the world and concern one of most the most ancient and extended. Features of judgement of an extralanguage reality are reflected brighter in zoonymic lexicon, than in any other area of ​​language. It is characteristic that the name of animals in different languages ​​contains different qualities. It testifies to individuality of figurative thinking of the concrete people that shows difficult associative-psychological process, and also about distinctions in a valuable picture of the world of various ethnoses. The Zoonymic lexicon as object of research deserves special attention also because, submitting to norms of language, it forms a specific subsystem in which there are the laws demanding special studying.names of animals (or zoonyms b> ) provide us with all kinds of clues about our ancestors, especially if we study them in connection with anthropological data. And it also works the other way round: etymological studies benefit from anthropology. An excellent example of this type of research is Xaverio Ballester s Zoуnimos Ancestrales . In his book, Ballester analyses a series of zoonimsand reaches interesting (sometimes surprising) conclusions. In many cases, the animals have names related to kinship: they were called В«mothersВ» or В«grandparentsВ». An example of this is the Spanish word comadreja (English weasel span> ), ...